Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 149 Lightning Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 149 Lightning Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Seeing this, Yuhua was slightly disappointed, but the disappointed expression was only fleeting. He withdrew his gaze and prepared to start the lecture.

What Yuhua teaches is a practical class, although it is a bit difficult to understand, but compared with the class of Nanji Xianweng, all the disciples still prefer his class.

So in this class, the students' enthusiasm for learning is very high.

What Yuhua taught his disciples today is the most difficult lightning spell in the fairy art.

With a light tap of his finger, a small lightning bolt struck the branch on the table, and the branch turned into ashes at that moment.

When she saw the lightning, Su Yutong couldn't help thinking of the jellyfish that electrified her in the illusion last time. She thought that if she learned it, she would have to compare with those jellyfish to see whose electricity was stronger when she went to the illusion next time.

Seeing this, the other disciples were also very curious, and they were eager to try it, but when it came time to do the experiment themselves, the disciples were very distressed.

This class is the best among the new students, so the things to learn are naturally more difficult than other classes.

Although what Yuhua said just now sounds very simple, but when it comes to the experiments by the disciples themselves, they are all stumped.

Some disciples even released a small lightning with great difficulty, and even shocked themselves.

Su Yutong secretly took out a sweet potato from the storage bag, wondering if it tasted good when it was electrified.

Thinking of this, Su Yutong put the sweet potato in an inconspicuous place, and according to what Yuhua just said, concentrated the lightning on the sweet potato.

I saw that Su Yutong's fingertips really released a trace of lightning, and the sweet potato that was electrified was making a prickling sound at this moment.

After success, Su Yutong raised his head and glanced at Yuhua secretly, only to see that he was instructing the disciples who didn't understand.

So Su Yutong continued to discharge the sweet potatoes on the table, but the sweet potatoes did not respond at all after being charged for a long time.

Could it be that the power is too small?

So Su Yutong was about to increase the power, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind her.

"How is it? Is it cooked?"

As soon as she heard the sound, Su Yutong was so frightened that she accidentally exerted too much force, and saw a thick lightning strike on Yuhua who was behind her in an instant.

For a moment, the entire classroom fell silent, and Su Yutong could hear the gasps of the disciples around him.

She turned around with some guilt, only to see that Yuhua's current appearance was worse than the one she was electrocuted in the illusion.

Su Yutong even saw the appearance of the disciples around who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. In fact, she wanted to laugh too, but it was her fault after all. If she laughed at Yuhua, she would never let her go.

"Shangxian Yuhua, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Su Yutong lowered her head, as if she knew she was wrong, but her hand sneaked behind her, hiding the sweet potatoes on the table.

"Don't be so naughty next time."

Yuhua's tone didn't have the anger Su Yutong imagined, but instead there was a hint of indulgence.

Su Yutong raised her head in surprise, only to see that Yuhua had returned to her original state, with no angry expression on her face, but a faint smile on her face.


Seeing this, Su Yutong lowered her head again, she found that as long as she looked at Yuhua, she would feel very irritable, and she couldn't tell what was going on.

Su Yutong gave Yuhua a call, and this great achievement was quickly spread in Bixiao Pavilion. As soon as the get out of class was over, Su Yutong was found by the elder.

(End of this chapter)

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