Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 162 Are you full now?

Chapter 162 Are you full now?
"Tongtong, I just made some new dishes after I went back, you can try them quickly." Then he handed a pair of chopsticks to Xuanchen, "Let's taste it together, Shangxian."

Xuan Chen looked at Su Yutong next to her, and seeing that her face was a bit uneasy, the corners of Xuan Chen's lips curled up slightly.

"No need."

Xuanchen didn't take Lanmeng's chopsticks, Lanmeng Xuanchen refused, and took the chopsticks back with great interest, and then looked at Su Yutong, only to see that Su Yutong just stood there in a daze, as if he didn't intend to eat.

"Tongtong, are these dishes not to your liking?"

"No, I'm just not hungry right now."

After Su Yutong said this, Lanmeng couldn't say anything more, so he said with a smile:

"That's fine, you can eat when you're hungry, but don't let it cool down, I'll go back first."

After Lanmeng left, Su Yutong stared at the food on the table in a daze, while Xuanchen looked at Su Yutong with his hands on his head.

"Why don't you eat today?"

Hearing Xuanchen's voice, Su Yutong came back to her senses. Looking at these dishes, she didn't have any appetite at all. Apart from being afraid that Lanmeng would be poisoned, she still felt a little bit of a shock in her heart.

"I'm afraid it will be poisonous, so I won't eat it."

Anyway, she won't starve to death if she doesn't eat a meal.

"Well, then I won't eat it."

With a wave of Xuan Chen's hand, all the food on the table disappeared, and then he moved closer to Su Yutong and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Are you full now?"

Su Yutong looked at Xuanchen in surprise, seeing Xuanchen's posture, as long as she was not satisfied with a word, Xuanchen would probably kiss her again.

"Full... full."

At this moment, Su Yutong's heart was beating very fast, and at the same time she lowered her head, not daring to look at Xuan Chen, but the corners of Xuan Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

After staying in Penglai for a few days, everyone returned to Bixiao Pavilion.

Xingze originally wanted to stay in Penglai for a while, but the appearance of Granny Meng made him want to leave quickly.

Therefore, when the elders proposed to leave Penglai, this time Xingze agreed to the proposal before anyone else.

After returning to Bixiao Pavilion, the disciples entered a state of intense study again, and Su Yutong improved by leaps and bounds during this period.

In a duel with Bai Xiaoru, Su Yutong actually defeated her, which surprised Su Yutong.

It seems that she is still very talented, which makes Su Yutong's enthusiasm for cultivation unprecedentedly high.

And the frequency of Lanmeng's appearance in front of Su Yutong has also greatly increased recently, and she wants to go to the Hall of Stars to find Su Yutong from time to time.

This made Su Yutong more sure of the fact that Lanmeng liked Xuanchen, and at the same time made her very depressed.

She also likes Xuanchen, but Xuanchen doesn't like it, and Su Yutong can't cook rice for him.

What if Xuanchen also fell in love with Lanmeng?
Su Yutong finally started to feel a sense of crisis, if Xuanchen fell in love with Lanmeng, then he would get a certificate with Lanmeng.

At that time, she won't be able to spend Xuan Chen's money, and she will owe Xuan Chen a large debt. Just thinking about it makes Su Yutong feel terrible.

So during this period of time, she tried her best to prevent Lanmeng Xuanchen.

And this day, just as she returned to the Hall of Picking Stars, she saw Lanmeng in the Hall of Picking Stars, with a smile on her face, as if chatting happily with Xuan Chen.

Although Xuanchen still had a cold expression on his face, Su Yutong still felt uncomfortable, and seeing Lanmeng's smile was very glaring.

Immediately, she retreated secretly, and then flipped onto a tree in the courtyard from the outside, although she also felt that her current behavior was quite obscene.

But she just wanted to see Xuan Chen's attitude towards Lan Meng.

(End of this chapter)

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