Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 197 Don't Ask Children About Adults' Matters

Chapter 197 Don't Ask Children About Adults' Matters

As soon as Su Yutong finished speaking, Xingze's expression became even more gossip.

"You actually got into a quarrel with Xuan Chen! Tell me quickly how you got into a fight with Xuan Chen?"

Seeing Xingze's gossiping expression, Su Yutong gave him a contemptuous look.

How could she tell Xingze about this?She knew it, Xingze's mouth was the most loose, and if he knew it, it would mean that the whole fairy world knew it.

"I can't tell you that."

Not to mention this matter, she felt very humiliated, if Xingze knew that she had shut Xuan Chen out.

Xingze will definitely mock Xuanchen, Xuanchen is very majestic in the fairy world, if this matter is known, then Xuanchen will have to kill her.

"Xiao Shushu, why are you so stingy, tell me quickly, don't worry, I will never tell."

If it wasn't for Su Yutong's understanding of Xingze's personality, she would have believed what Xingze said.

"No, I've already told you what happened just now, and I can't tell you more about it."

Su Yutong is determined not to tell this matter to the outside world. She is the hope of the little yellow book family, and no one should know that she likes to be jealous.

Seeing that Su Yutong was determined not to speak, Xingze spoke up again.

"Oh? Then I heard that Xuan Chen stood at the gate of the Hall of Picking Stars for most of the night a few days ago. What's going on?"

Su Yutong looked at Xingze in surprise, how did he know about this?

Seeing Su Yutong's expression, Xingze understood that the rumors were true, but he didn't expect Xuanchen to meet his nemesis this time.

Xingze put away his wretched expression, and then explained:

"Although the part of the Zhaixing Palace is Xuanchen's territory, it is inevitable that someone will pass by, and it is normal to see it, but Xiaoshu, tell me, did you drive Xuanchen out?"

Facing Xingze's sudden approach, Su Yutong silently distanced himself from him, rolled his eyes, and asked Xingze lewdly.

"I'm actually quite curious, Xianjun. Did sister Meng do anything to you in Penglai last time? If you tell me about it, I'll answer your question."

As soon as Su Yutong finished speaking, Xingze's face turned a little red, and his speech became a little faltering.

"Don't ask children about adult matters."

Seeing Xingze's expression, Su Yutong understood that Po Meng had succeeded.

No wonder Xingze seemed to be running away when he left Penglai that day.

"That's fine, next time I will ask Sister Meng myself."

Su Yutong admired Granny Meng from the bottom of her heart, she struck so fast, if she could put Xuanchen to sleep sometime, that would be great.

But thinking about it, Su Yutong felt that this was impossible, after all, Xuanchen didn't lift it.

Hearing that Su Yutong said that she was going to find Po Meng, Xingze looked at Su Yutong tactfully.

"That little book, next time you go to the underworld, can you do me a favor? Just... just help me find out how Granny Meng treats me."

Last time he sneaked away because of a guilty conscience, but Po Meng hasn't come to him until now, could he be angry?

It was the first time Su Yutong saw Xingze's awkward appearance, and then she thought of something.

"Okay, but Xianjun, you have to tell me, is Shangxian really not lifting?"

When Su Yutong asked such a question, Xingze who was drinking tea almost choked, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"You don't know until now?"

After asking this sentence, Xingze couldn't stop laughing.

But Su Yutong was even more confused, whether to lift or not to lift?

(End of this chapter)

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