Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 199 You just want to prove this?

Chapter 199 You just want to prove this?

After returning to the Hall of Picking Stars, Su Yutong did not find Xuanchen again. After asking Suzaku, she found out that Xuanchen had gone to the Immortal Emperor again.

It happened that Xuanchen was not there, Su Yutong thought of what Xingze said to her today, Xingze said, if you want to know whether Xuanchen can lift it, let her try it herself.

But Su Yutong thought, last time she took the aphrodisiac, and Xuan Chen was so indifferent to her, it must be impossible to try.

It's better to give Xuan Chen some medicine directly, if the medicine doesn't work, then Su Yutong will accept his fate.

Just do it, Su Yutong immediately ran to her room to search around, and finally found it in a corner, the leftover aphrodisiac she used last time.

Knowing that Xuanchen likes to drink tea, she prepared to put this medicine in Xuanchen's tea.

So she went back to the pavilion, found Xuanchen's tea set, imitated Xuanchen's usual way of making tea, and started to make tea in a decent manner.

When Xuanchen came back, he saw Su Yutong who was pouring tea carefully in the pavilion at a glance, Xuanchen couldn't help but evoked a smile.

"what are you doing?"

Xuan Chen's sudden voice made Su Yutong, who was already guilty of a crime, tremble in fright, and almost spilled the tea.

"Make tea! Shangxian, how about trying my tea?"

After finishing speaking, Su Yutong handed the poured tea to Xuanchen.

Under Su Yutong's expectant gaze, Xuan Chen took a sip, and a sense of bitterness immediately filled Xuan Chen's taste buds.

But Xuan Chen said without changing his face: "It tastes good."

Hearing what Xuanchen said, Su Yutong's eyes lit up immediately. She didn't expect that she had the talent to make tea!
"Then Shangxian, drink more!"

Saying that, Su Yutong poured another cup for Xuan Chen, Xuan Chen looked at Su Yutong with a smile in his eyes, and then drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

Seeing that Xuan Chen didn't find anything unusual, Su Yutong poured Xuan Chen a few more glasses, and after Xuan Chen finished drinking, Su Yutong stared at Xuan Chen motionlessly.

"what happened?"

After a long time, Xuan Chen shifted his attention from the chessboard to Su Yutong.

Seeing Xuan Chen's question, Su Yutong moved closer to Xuan Chen, took a closer look, and found that Xuan Chen was really not abnormal at all.

"Shangxian, do you have any special feelings?"

Logically speaking, after such a long time, there should be some reaction.


Seeing Su Yutong's tangled expression, a smile flashed in Xuan Chen's eyes.

When Su Yutong heard Xuan Chen say this, his face immediately collapsed, and he felt a little sad.

"It turns out that I really didn't lift it!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yutong realized that she accidentally said what was in her heart.

She immediately took a cautious look at Xuan Chen, only to see Xuan Chen frowned slightly, and then looked at Su Yutong with interest.

"You drug me to prove this?"

Su Yutong was taken aback for a moment, did Shangxian already know about it?That's right, how could a mere aphrodisiac not be found with the cultivation base of Shangxian?
Su Yutong silently lowered her little head, ready to accept Xuanchen's punishment.

"I told you a long time ago that I am a normal man, why don't you believe me?"

But Xuanchen was not angry, instead he explained to Su Yutong, while Su Yutong muttered something in a low voice.

"But you don't act like one at all."

Xuan Chen: "..."

"Those ordinary medicines are naturally useless to me, so don't think about it in the future."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Xuan Chen's face.

 The cutie who has already taken out the big knife can put down the knife. I will drive you to the kindergarten tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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