Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 201 She Really Honored Their Little Yellow Book Family!

Chapter 201 She Really Honored Their Little Yellow Book Family!

Two days later, the barrier outside the room was removed.

Suzaku, who hadn't seen his master for two days, wanted to run inside in order to express his love for his master.

Just halfway through the run, it found itself outside the Star Picking Hall, and beside it was a 梼杌 that was also a little suspicious.

Xuanchen hugged Su Yutong and came to the spiritual spring in the back mountain, while Su Yutong enjoyed Xuanchen's service with satisfaction.

She couldn't help thinking proudly that she actually slept with Xuanchen Shangxian, who no one in the fairy world dared to touch, she really brought honor to their little yellow book family!
"You take a rest these few days, I'll ask you and Bixiao Pavilion for leave."

Just when Su Yutong was about to fall asleep, Xuan Chen's voice reached her ears.


Su Yutong closed her eyes and snorted lazily. She really needed to take a break. Xuanchen had fully demonstrated her strength to her in the past few days, and she didn't even have time to rest.

"Then what you promised me, do you still count?" Xuan Chen asked again.

"Do the numbers, do the numbers, I take the initiative, and I am responsible."

Su Yutong was really sleepy, and immediately fell asleep after answering.

And Xuan Chen was very satisfied with her answer.

It seems that I have not forgotten it.

After carrying Su Yutong back to the room, Xuanchen went to Bixiao Pavilion, Xingze came up to him with an ambiguous expression after seeing Xuanchen.

"Hey! Xuanchen, why hasn't Xiao Shushu come to Bixiao Pavilion these two days?"

Obviously Xuanchen didn't want to answer this question, after glancing at Xingzhe, he said lightly:

"She will come to Bixiao Pavilion again in a few days."

After finishing speaking, he was about to go back, but Xingze went to him again, with a wicked smile on his face.

"I know what happened even if you don't tell me, but you still have to thank me for this. If I hadn't successfully enlightened Xiao Shushu that day, would you have succeeded so quickly?"

Although this matter has little to do with Xingzhe, but he is shameless, he will definitely not let go of this opportunity to put gold on his face.

After Xingze said this, Xuanchen stopped in his tracks.

"In this case, when I marry her, I will send you an invitation card."

The smile on Xingze's face suddenly froze, "I said Xuanchen, you are too unkind! You never thought of asking me for your feelings, did you?"

But as soon as Xingze finished speaking, Xuanchen had already left Bixiao Pavilion, and Xingze could only stand aside resentful.

At this time, he suddenly saw Lanmeng not far away, so he walked over with a playful smile on his face again.

"Hey! Why is Fairy Lanmeng here?"

Lanmeng saluted Xingze, her tone was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Seeing that Tongtong hasn't come to Bixiao Pavilion these days, I was a little worried. I just heard that the Shangxian came, so I wanted to ask, but who knows that he went back before seeing the Shangxian. Immortal Xingze, Tong Is Tong her okay?"

When Lanmeng asked this question, she also had a worried expression on her face, it seemed that she was very worried about Su Yutong.

But Xingze did not answer Lanmeng's question, but said something meaningful.

"The fairy's news is well-informed, you knew it when Xuan Chen came."

"Xianjun was joking, I was also a little worried about Tongtong, so I paid more attention to things about her."

Lanmeng answered quickly, and no one could find a single fault, as if it really was like this.

Seeing this, Xingze became a little unscrupulous again, and looked up at the sky.

"Well, the weather is good today, suitable for sneaking out to play!"

After speaking, he didn't look at Lanmeng again, and left on his own.

Lanmeng still had a decent smile on her face, but she couldn't help clenching the hands under her sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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