Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 203 I Have Done a Big Thing These Days

Chapter 203 I Have Done a Big Thing These Days

"Shangxian, if Lanmeng finds you alone in the future, then you don't want to see her either."

In view of Lanmeng's frequent visits to Xuanchen's presence recently, Su Yutong felt that it was necessary to explain to Xuanchen.

"Okay, no see."

Xuan Chen hooked the corner of his mouth, and replied with some pleasure.

Seeing this situation, Yue He suddenly felt that he had been stuffed with dog food.

Lanmeng outside the door couldn't help feeling a little happy when she saw Suzaku coming out, and was about to do the same as usual, when she walked in, Suzaku stopped her.

"Fairy Lanmeng, please go back, it's not convenient for Shangxian to see guests today."

Lanmeng stopped in her tracks, slightly surprised.

"Is it not convenient for Tongtong?"

"I only know that the host is inconvenient to see guests, and I don't know the rest."

Suzaku doesn't like Lanmeng very much, so it doesn't want to tell Lanmeng so much.

And Lanmeng said politely: "If that's the case, I'll visit another day, but Tongtong hasn't been to Bixiao Pavilion recently, I'm really worried about her, I wonder if she's okay?"

Hearing Lanmeng's question, Suzaku felt contemptuous in his heart, and closed the door after saying "no comment", because he didn't want to talk to this poisonous woman.

Looking at the closed door in front of him, a trace of anger flashed in Lanmeng's eyes, and after taking a deep look, he turned and left.

After Su Yutong rested for a few days, she continued to study in Bixiao Pavilion. As soon as she arrived in the classroom, Bai Xiaoru and Xiao Nan surrounded her.

The two pushed Su Yutong up and down a lot, and then said with a sigh of relief:

"We thought you were in some danger, but it doesn't look like that now, but where have you been these few days? Why didn't you come to Bixiao Pavilion?"

Why didn't you come to Bixiao Pavilion?As soon as this matter was mentioned, Su Yutong felt very proud, and his tone was a little smug.

"I have done a big thing these days."

Isn't it a big deal to sleep with Xuanchen?

"What's the big deal?"

Su Yutong successfully aroused the curiosity of the two of them.

"It's about honoring our family."

Although Su Yutong felt that this incident brought honor to their family, she was still a thin-skinned little pornographic book after all, so she didn't have the nerve to tell them what she did.

The two knew that Su Yutong's body was the little yellow book, so they thought that Su Yutong got the little yellow book again.

Then Bai Xiaoru whispered to Su Yutong, "Since you got the stock, can you lend me a few copies?"

The last time her mother knew that she and Su Yutong were in danger because they were buying pornographic books, so they sent someone to search her room.

The few pornographic books she managed to hide were confiscated, and her mother gave her a hard lesson.

She was so scared that she didn't dare to hide the little yellow books at home, and now she was in Bixiao Pavilion, and her mother couldn't control her, so she became malicious again.

Knowing that Bai Xiaoru didn't understand what she meant, Su Yutong didn't intend to explain, and secretly took out a few books from her arms and handed them to Bai Xiaoru.

"I managed to get these, you have to hide them tightly."

Bai Xiaoru nodded quickly, and immediately hid it after taking it.

Although this was Su Yutong's last stock, she still reluctantly gave it away for the sake of their family's development.

Then Su Yutong thought again, looking at Xuanchen's skills obviously didn't read her little pornographic book, since he didn't read it, it would be a waste to keep it.

So Su Yutong began to think secretly again, when would she get those little pornographic books back.

(End of this chapter)

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