Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 211 Are you relieved now?

Chapter 211 Are you relieved now?
Su Yutong originally wanted to struggle when she found out that it was Xuan Chen, but after hearing what Xuan Chen said, she subconsciously wanted to hear what Xuan Chen had to say.

Seeing Su Yutong stop struggling, Xuan Chen's voice continued to sound.

"I did see Lanmeng's name in the underworld last time, but I never believed in it. I don't believe in the so-called destiny of marriage. I only believe in my heart."

Xuanchen paused for a moment, turned Su Yutong to himself, looked at Su Yutong with a seriousness in his eyes that had never been seen before.

"Tongtong, I don't like Lanmeng now, and I won't like Lanmeng in the future. I only like you."

Su Yutong was stunned, it was the first time she had heard Xuan Chen say that he liked her so bluntly.

"How do I know if you lied to me?"

Although Su Yutong just muttered something in a low voice, it clearly reached Xuanchen's ears.

"How do you want me to prove it?"

Xuan Chen reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of Su Yutong's eyes.

"Then you swear."

In the fairy world, oaths cannot be made casually. Immortals pay attention to karma, and if the vows made are not fulfilled, they will suffer retribution.

She wanted to see if Xuan Chen dared to do it, but as soon as she finished speaking, Xuan Chen's voice immediately reached her ears.

"I, Xuanchen, swear that I only like Su Yutong, and I will only marry her in the future. If I break my oath, my primordial spirit will be dissipated, and I will disappear forever in the Three Realms."

As soon as Xuanchen finished speaking, there was a thunder in the sky, and a long lightning bolt was pulled out.

Su Yutong was slightly taken aback, she knew that the thunder just now meant that the oath had been fulfilled, and if Xuan Chen violated the oath, he would be punished by heaven.

Generally speaking, such a situation will not occur in oaths, unless the person who swears makes a poisonous oath and establishes a contract with the person who is sworn, then there will be a warning from the sky.

Once this kind of oath is violated, the soul will really be dispersed like the oath said, so in the fairy world, no one dares to make such an oath easily.

Su Yutong couldn't react for a while.

"Are you relieved now?"

It was the first time Xuanchen knew that he would actually make Su Yutong feel so insecure, he was really negligent.


Su Yutong lowered his head and snorted softly, since Xuan Chen said that he doesn't believe in the so-called predestined marriage.

Then why don't she take a gamble to see whether it is her fate that cannot be violated, or she can break free from her fate, or at worst she will die in love with Xuan Chen.

"Then can you tell me what happened first?"

Xuan Chen picked up Su Yutong and walked back slowly.

"Lanmeng asked me to return the divine power and the immortals to her."

Speaking of this, Su Yutong thought of Lanmeng's proud appearance today, and the anger in his heart couldn't help rising again.

"Then how did you answer?"

Xuanchen suddenly wanted to know how Su Yutong chose.

"I didn't want to return Shangxian to her, so I beat her up and left."

Thinking of this, Su Yutong felt a little regretful, pretending to be more ruthless when he didn't make a move.

After hearing Su Yutong's answer, the corners of Xuan Chen's mouth curled up, obviously very satisfied.

"You've done a good job. If she bothers you again next time, just beat her up. If she can't win, run away. I'll beat you back later.

I belong to you, why tell her back?As for the matter of divine power, I will find a way to return it to her after my calamity, so don't worry.

If she bullies you again, you can just bully her back, no one would dare to bully you without me. "

"it is good."

At this moment, Su Yutong felt extremely at ease, and she gradually fell asleep in Xuanchen's arms.

But Xuanchen's eyes flashed a cold light, he did not expect that Lanmeng was more annoying than Yuhua.

 Xuan Chen: Misunderstanding?impossible!The daughter-in-law who was finally cheated, no one wants to break us up!Otherwise, my 40-meter long sword will not show mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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