Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 215 She Is Quite Experienced With Standing Punishments

Chapter 215 She Is Quite Experienced With Standing Punishments

A few days later, Xuanchen went to Yixiantian, and Su Yutong continued to study in Bixiao Pavilion.

As usual, this morning was Lanmeng's class. Su Yutong originally planned to escape, but thinking that she hadn't come to Bixiao Pavilion recently, she held back the urge.

But this time it was not Lanmeng who walked into the classroom during class, but another fairy from Bixiao Pavilion.

Su Yutong couldn't help poking Bai Xiaoru next to her.

"Why not Lanmeng?"

"Fairy Lanmeng left Bixiao Pavilion a few days ago. I heard that she seemed to have offended the Immortal Xuanchen, so she was resigned. Don't you know about Tongtong?"

Bai Xiaoru was a little surprised when Su Yutong asked this suddenly. According to the relationship between Su Yutong and Xuanchen, she should know about it.

"Shangxian didn't tell me."

Su Yutong really didn't expect that Xuanchen would resign Lanmeng. Sure enough, Xuanchen still likes her, Su Yutong couldn't help feeling a little proud.

"By the way, Tongtong, why haven't you come to Bixiao Pavilion these days, is it related to Fairy Lanmeng?"

Bai Xiaoru remembered that last time after Lanmeng found Su Yutong, Su Yutong didn't come to Bixiao Pavilion the next day, and Lanmeng was fired by Xuan Chen, so she felt that there must be something to do with it.

Su Yutong thought that Bai Xiaoru already knew about her relationship with Xuan Chen when she was in the Fox Clan last time, so it wouldn't hurt to tell her what happened.

And when she was about to speak, she was discovered by a female fairy who was giving a lecture. This female fairy can be said to be the Miejue Shitai in Bixiao Pavilion, and she can be said to be a more terrifying existence than the Antarctic fairy.

Today was her first class, and Su Yutong and Bai Xiaoru collided with each other. She immediately pointed at them and said:

"You two get out!"

Su Yutong felt that she was about to offend all the immortals who taught her disciples in Bixiao Pavilion.

However, she is quite experienced in standing punishment and so on, so she took Bai Xiaoru out of the classroom under the eyes of the fairy who hated iron and steel.

"Tongtong, can you talk to me now?"

After being kicked out, Bai Xiaoru was not only not sad, but rather excited.

"Yes, tell me quickly."

At this time, Xiao Nan was kicked out for some reason. Originally, Su Yutong and Bai Xiaoru were talking, but Xiao Nan could only lean closer and listen because they were far away.

Now that the two of them were kicked out, Xiao Nan, who also wanted to know what happened, boldly followed.

Seeing that the two were really curious, Su Yutong glanced at the direction of the classroom, and then lowered his voice.

"That day, Fairy Lanmeng told me that I was able to become a spirit because of her divine power, and Shangxian and her were destined to marry, so she asked me to return both Shangxian and divine power to her."

"But Shangxian obviously likes you."

At this time, Bai Xiaoru suddenly said something, but Su Yutong couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"How did you know?"

"Everyone knows that Shangxian treats everyone coldly, except you. If he didn't like you, how could he treat you like this?

Some time ago, Xingze Immortal also held a bet in Bixiao Pavilion, the content of the bet was when you and Shangxian would get married.

A lot of people took part, and as far as I know, even the Antarctic Fairy bet. "

After Bai Xiaoru finished speaking, Xiao Nan nodded along with her. There was excitement in the eyes of the two of them. It seemed that they also wanted to participate.

For a moment, Su Yutong didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment. It turned out that everyone knew that Xuan Chen liked her, but she was the only one who didn't know.

 I said no abuse, why don't you believe me?
(End of this chapter)

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