Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 221 She has always been reluctant to think about things she can't understand

Chapter 221 She has always been reluctant to think about things she can't understand
"Last time she escaped under your nose, and now you come to ask me where I hid her? Don't you think it's very funny?"

Lanmeng looked in the direction of Yixiantian again, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more obvious, and her eyes were full of determination to win.

But Yuhua frowned, thinking that when he turned around that day, he found that Su Yutong had disappeared, and then he looked around.

But he couldn't find it after searching all night, and it was impossible for Lanmeng to find Su Yutong before him.

"It's best to be like this. Since you have regained your divine power, don't hurt her again in the future, otherwise I will never indulge you again."

Lanmeng turned around and smiled mockingly at Yuhua.

"Instead of teaching me here, you might as well find out where she is. If you find her before them, do you think she might fall in love with you?"

Yuhua was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and left immediately, her pace still a little eager.

And Lan dreamed of this, a look of success flashed in his eyes.

He continued to look at the sky, the thunder and lightning in the sky looked more fierce than before, and even the animals beyond the sky were scared and ran away.

But Lanmeng couldn't help being excited in her heart. Seeing that Su Yutong suffered such a serious injury that day, she might have lost her soul by now.

After Xuan Chen returned from the calamity, she would be the God of God, and without Su Yutong's obstruction, the position of God's wife would be in her pocket.

At this moment, another bolt of lightning the size of a bowl was ripped out of the sky, and it struck straight into the sky, causing many animals to tremble in fright.

But Lanmeng looked at this bolt of lightning, but his eyes were full of excitement.


When Su Yutong woke up, she just felt that she was a little out of breath, as if something was pressing on her body.

It was pitch black in front of my eyes, and I could only vaguely hear some voices, which Su Yutong heard very unreal, as if they were hallucinations.

Now Su Yutong could clearly feel that the spiritual power in her body was severely exhausted, and her consciousness was a little chaotic.

She didn't know where she was now, she felt very sleepy after waking up for a while, and fell into a deep sleep after a while.

It's just that at the last moment when she fell asleep, she seemed to hear Po Meng's voice, but before she had time to think, she lost consciousness.

Beside the Naihe Bridge, Po Meng got rid of another ghost who refused to drink the soup obediently, and the other ghosts fell silent in an instant.

Granny Meng was also very leisurely, she went to the chair she usually lay on and lay down. After lying down this time, she suddenly caught sight of the book on the table foot in front of her.

She didn't remember when she used the book as a table foot, but Po Meng was always reluctant to think about things that she couldn't understand.

Presumably she had already put the mat on it, maybe it was too long and she forgot.

Thinking of this, Granny Meng closed her eyes leisurely again, but the big knife next to her was stained with blood, which made the ghosts drinking the soup very afraid.

In the past two days, the workload in the underworld has suddenly increased, and there have been more ghosts crossing the bridge, and Po Meng is the one who lives the most inhabited by these ghosts in the underworld.

So Meng Po can't be idle for a moment these days, she has been guarding by the Naihe Bridge all the time.

In fact, the hut at Naihe Bridge is not Granny Meng's mansion. As a staff member of the underworld, she must have her own mansion.

But the work here at Naiheqiao is too frequent, and this temporary residence has become her regular place instead.

Po Meng thought, she must abduct Xingze to the underworld in the future, her allocated mansion can't just be so empty, at least someone needs to live there.

(End of this chapter)

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