Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 223 Take Care of Her, Don't Let Her Run Away

Chapter 223 Take Care of Her, Don't Let Her Run Away
Xuanchen walked straight up to Xingze and Yuelao.

"Where is Tongtong?"

The expressions on the faces of the two became a little tangled, and after seeing Lanmeng who was tied up, they understood that Xuanchen should know something.

"Tongtong disappeared the day after you left. Xingze and I searched for more than half a month, but we didn't find any clues."

Although Yuehe was a little worried that Xuanchen had just passed through the catastrophe, and his injuries had not yet healed.

But if he didn't tell Xuanchen, he must know because of Xuanchen's personality today.

After Xuan Chen listened, he gave Lan Meng a cold look.

"Where is she now?"

A trace of desolation flashed across Lanmeng's eyes, and then she looked at Xuanchen again.

"I really don't know where Tongtong is. Last time, she also took the initiative to ask me to return my divine power. I really don't know the rest of Lanmeng. Please God, please don't make things difficult for Lanmeng."

There was no flaw on Lanmeng's face, and even Xingzhe began to doubt whether this matter had nothing to do with Lanmeng at all.

But Xuan Chen didn't believe a word Lan Meng said.

"Keep an eye on her, don't let her run away."

After finishing speaking, Xuan Chen disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

The immortals who greeted Xuanchen outside the sky were a little puzzled, and the emperor's face became serious.

He glanced at Lanmeng, not knowing what Lanmeng had done to anger Xuanchen.

Although the coercion on Xuan Chen was much stronger than usual, it was impossible to survive such a strong thunder calamity without being injured, and Xuan Chen resolutely left regardless of his injuries.

The Immortal Emperor glanced at Lanmeng again with a complicated expression, and then shifted his gaze to Yuehe and Xingze.

"Since Xuanchen asked the two of you to watch Lanmeng, then she will be handed over to you to take care of her. I will decide what exactly happened when Xuanchen God returns."


After Yuehe and Xingze answered, the Immortal Emperor left Yixiantian with a group of immortals.

"Little book, did you hide it? I can tell you, Xuanchen is really angry this time. If you don't hand her over, Xuanchen will find it by himself. With Xuanchen's Personality, you are probably doomed."

Xingze looked at Lanmeng and couldn't help warning her.

But at this moment, Lanmeng's face had long since lost the expression of resignation in the sky, instead it was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Lanmeng explained to Shangxian a long time ago that what happened to Tongtong has nothing to do with Lanmeng, and I just found out about Tongtong's disappearance.

A few days ago, Tongtong asked me to return her divine power, but since then I have never seen Tongtong again.

The two immortals doubted Lanmeng, and Lanmeng was understandable. Lanmeng also hoped to find Tongtong as soon as possible, so that Lanmeng could be innocent. "

Yuehe and Xingze looked at each other, both of them had doubts in their eyes.

Judging from Lanmeng's performance, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with her at all.

But at present, only Lanmeng is the most suspicious, so the two had no choice but to bring Lanmeng to the Marriage Bureau to take care of it.

The two returned to the Marriage Bureau, and Zhu Wu and Suzaku were accompanying Li Yan'er.

During this period of time, Yue He handed Li Yan'er to the two beasts because he wanted to find Su Yutong.

At this moment, when the three small groups saw the two of them coming back, they immediately surrounded them.

When Suzaku saw Lanmeng who was tied up, all the hairs on his body exploded.

"I found you, tell me quickly, did you hide that woman?"

"Master Suzaku, don't get me wrong, this matter really has nothing to do with me."

Facing Suzaku's questioning, Lanmeng still patiently explained to it.

 How about giving Lanmeng a best actor award?
(End of this chapter)

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