Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 239 As a pen with rules, it will not bow to evil forces

Chapter 239 As a moral pen, it will not bow to evil forces

In fact, Xuanchen was not only worried that Su Yutong would mind this matter, he was even more worried that Su Yutong would think that she snatched him from Lanmeng in the future.

After finally getting the certificate, he couldn't let any other factors destroy his relationship with Tongtong.

After Xuan Chen said this, Su Yutong couldn't help being excited.

In fact, she still cared a lot about this matter, although Xuan Chen said that he didn't believe in a predestined marriage.

But every time Su Yutong sees Lanmeng, she feels very alienated, because every time Lanmeng looks at her, it seems to say that she has robbed something that should belong to her.

Although she didn't think that Xuan Chen belonged to Lanmeng, but after being accused by Lanmeng for a long time, she would inevitably feel a little uneasy.

If the name on the Sansheng Stone is changed, then she can sleep in Xuanchen with peace of mind.

And Liulibi at the side heard the two of them say that they want to modify the marriage relationship on the Sansheng Stone, and immediately expressed their position loudly.

"Don't even think about it, I won't help you with this favor! Even if you kill me, I won't help!"

It is a principled pen, and it has never done such things against the sky, so no matter what it says, it will not help them.

As soon as it finished speaking, Xuanchen hit another wave of spiritual power, and it shook even more violently.

Even so, Liulibi still yelled that it would never help this.

"Shangxian, what if it doesn't help?"

Seeing that the glazed pen was so persistent, Su Yutong was a little worried that the Three Lives Stone would really be lost.


Xuanchen said comfortingly, and then put Su Yutong on the bed of the beauty, while he got up and walked in front of Liulibi.

"How can you help me?"


Liulibi snorted arrogantly, the more she looked at Xuanchen, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Is he begging for help?It even tied it up when it asked for it, and it just said it would not help him with this kind of attitude!
"No matter what, I won't help you, so you should give up."

As a pen with noble morals, it will not bow to such evil forces.

Hearing what it said, Xuan Chen frowned, and then looked at the withered and yellow leaves around him.

"I heard that it took you a hundred years to paint the four seasons in this illusion. For the sake of your integrity, how about I help you restore the painting to its original state?"

When Xuanchen said this, the glazed pen was stunned immediately, and it hung on the tree without moving.

"No! You can't touch my painting!"

It took hundreds of years of painstaking effort to draw so many of these paintings, and Xuan Chen should not let his painstaking efforts be ruined.

"Then, will you help me or not?"

Xuan Chen turned his eyes to it again.

Although Liulibi really didn't want to help this favor, but for its hard work, it still gave in.

"Let me help, but you have to finish painting my autumn first."

Liuli pen felt that Xuanchen couldn't be so cheap, at least it should get some benefits, it was not the kind of pen that was willing to help others.

"it is good."

Xuanchen pointed towards the glass pen, and the restraint on it was automatically released.

Then Xuanchen picked up the glass brush and continued to paint on the unfinished painting.

So Su Yutong watched Xuanchen complete the rest of the scenery. Xuanchen drew very quickly, with smooth movements.

This is the first time for Su Yutong to know that Xuanchen can actually paint, and the painting is not bad.

After a while, the rest of the scenery was completed, Liulibi looked at the finished painting and was very satisfied.

"Then I'll make an exception and help you."

(End of this chapter)

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