Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 244 She even suspected that she was a erotic book in her previous life

Chapter 244 She even suspected that she was a book of erotic pictures in her previous life
Su Yutong is the only child of Master Su and Mrs. Su, so she is very favored in the Su family.

Master Su and Mrs. Su loved her so much that they were afraid of melting in their mouths.

So the young Su Yutong was very famous in the capital, and fighting was a common occurrence.

But Mr. Su is rich, every time Su Yutong makes trouble, Mr. Su will settle it with money.

So in the capital, Su Yutong was like a bully, but during this time, Su Yutong's mother became a little stricter on her discipline.

The reason is that Su Yutong is about to grow old, if she continues to mess around like this, she will not be able to get married in the future, so Mrs. Su hired someone to teach Su Yutong etiquette.

Su Yutong refused. After studying etiquette for a few days, in order to express her dissatisfaction, Su Yutong managed to sneak out.

Su Yutong, who breathed the free air, felt full of energy at this moment. Looking at the bustling street in front of him, Su Yutong couldn't help thinking about where to go.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she immediately walked in one direction.

Su Yutong's greatest hobbies are eating delicious food and reading pornographic books, especially pornographic books.

A year ago, after she accidentally discovered the erotic pictures hidden by her father, she became crazy infatuated with such things as little pornographic books.

She even suspected that she was a book of erotic pictures in her previous life.

Thinking that her mother has been strict with her these days, and she hasn't read pornographic books for several days, and the place where she can eat delicious food and read pornographic books, it must be a brothel up.

Although Su Yutong's mother never allowed her to come to places like brothels, but this time she ran away from home, so that's another matter.

Thinking about it this way, Su Yutong felt that this reason became more and more reasonable.

At this time, Su Yutong was walking on the street, upstairs in a teahouse, there was a pair of eyes watching her.

"I said Xuan Chen, it's been so long, and you haven't appeared in front of Xiao Shushu. Didn't you say that you went to find her as soon as she went to the lower realm?"

Sitting opposite Xuanchen, Xingze asked Xuanchen with a gossipy face. He didn't understand why Xuanchen resisted looking for Su Yutong.

And Xuanchen glanced at Xingzhe lightly, and then shifted his gaze to Su Yutong.

It's not that he didn't go to Su Yutong at first, but since Su Yutong can remember, he never appeared in front of Su Yutong openly.

Because he considered that Su Yutong has no memory now, and his appearance has not changed a bit in the past ten years.

If she appeared in front of Su Yutong too early, wouldn't it scare her?

In fact, what's more important is that Xuan Chen was afraid that Su Yutong would think he was old. In the fairy world, Su Yutong thought he was too old.

If Su Yutong saw him too early, wouldn't she despise him even more?

"Xuanchen, look quickly! Xiao Shushu has gone to the brothel!"

While Xuanchen was in a trance, Xingze suddenly called out loudly, his voice was still a little excited, and he looked at Xuanchen gloatingly.

Xuan Chen's face immediately turned dark, ignored Xing Ze, got up and walked downstairs.

Xingze immediately wanted to join in the fun with the past, but before walking a few steps, Xingze found that he couldn't move.

Then Xuan Chen's voice came into his ears.

"Before I go back next time, if you haven't finished dealing with the things in Bixiao Pavilion, you don't even think about going to the underworld."

After finishing speaking, Xingze could move, but Xingze didn't have any mood to watch the excitement at the moment, so he could only resign himself to his fate and go back to the fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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