Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 251 She Isn't Nobody Wanted

Chapter 251 She Isn't Nobody Wanted

As soon as she returned to the room, Su Yutong saw the maid who taught her etiquette, who was already waiting for her in the room.

Su Yutong's face collapsed immediately, she should have brought more banknotes yesterday, maybe if she ran away from home for a few more days, her mother would not force her to learn etiquette.

"Miss, let's continue now."

The maid walked up to Su Yutong and saluted Su Yutong.

Don't look at this maid who respects Su Yutong so much now, but she is quite strict when she learns etiquette.

If she didn't learn well, she would punish Su Yutong without saying a word. These days Su Yutong was frightened by her punishment.

So at this moment when Su Yutong saw this maid, her legs felt a little soft.

"Can I take a day off today?"

She was asked to learn etiquette just after she came back, Su Yutong felt that this arrangement was extremely unreasonable.

"No, miss, Madam has ordered you to learn all the basic etiquette in the next few days."

The maid was not moved at all, seeing this situation, Su Yutong had no choice but to give in. Anyway, after a few days, she will be a good guy again.

After a few days of study, Su Yutong felt that her whole body was about to be reborn, and she didn't remember any of the etiquettes taught.

On the contrary, she was about to fall apart after being punished these days.

This morning, she was woken up by her mother early in the morning, and asked a bunch of maids to dress her up.

"Tongtong, let me tell you, when I go to Shen's mansion later, you have to use all the rules you have learned in the past few days. If you destroy Mr. Shen's impression of you, you see how I will deal with you when I go back."

The two sat in the sedan chair, Madam Su couldn't help but remind Su Yutong.

Mrs. Su, Mrs. Shen, also met some time ago. He is a gentleman and a scholar. How Mrs. Su thinks it is pleasing to the eye.

So this time she must let Su Yutong seize this opportunity.

And Su Yutong was in a daze at the moment, she didn't hear what Madam Su said, she just kept saying "yes".

Mrs. Su is immersed in fantasy now, so she didn't pay attention to Su Yutong.

Just thinking that Su Yutong was so obedient today, I couldn't help but get some comfort in my heart.

After arriving at Shen's mansion, Su Yutong woke up. Looking at the strange mansion in front of her, she didn't understand why she was here for a while.

But when she saw her mother's smiling face, she realized that her mother had brought her on a blind date.

Su Yutong really couldn't understand why her mother was so impatient, wasn't she too late?
Her mother was anxious to start taking her on a blind date. It's not that no one wanted her, the man in the brothel asked her to take responsibility a few days ago.

Su Yutong followed Mrs. Su into the Shen residence. The Shen family and the Su family can be regarded as family friends. Master Su and Master Shen were good brothers when they were young.

Even now, the two families still communicate frequently, so when Mrs. Shen saw them, she warmly greeted them to sit down.

"This is Tongtong, it's grown so big, I remember I hugged you when I was young."

Su Yutong is used to being mischievous and mischievous, so her mother doesn't bring her to ordinary banquets or anything like that.

So this was the first time she saw Mrs. Shen, because she met a stranger, Su Yutong smiled at Mrs. Shen, and then sat quietly aside.

Seeing that Su Yutong didn't speak, and his actions were very regular, Mrs. Su was very happy, and then looked at Mrs. Shen again.

"My family, Tongtong, is naughty, so I usually don't bring her out. This time I heard that Mr. Shen is back, so I thought about bringing her to visit."

 It will be updated at around [-]:[-] noon tomorrow, and the V will start at about [-]:[-] tomorrow afternoon, so cuties, please watch it early, and it will be updated the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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