Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 272 God drills a dog hole?

Chapter 272 God drills a dog hole?
Su Yutong just went home to get some private money, how could there be any danger?
But she also thought that Xuan Chen might be worried about Li Yan'er's safety, so Su Yutong let Xuan Chen follow her.

So the three of them came again, next to the familiar dog hole, looking at the dog hole in front of them, Su Yutong felt a little embarrassed.

Apart from this method, she couldn't find a way to sneak home. Anyway, Xuan Chen had seen her go through a dog hole last time, so it would be okay to let him see it again.

Thinking about it this way, Su Yutong decided to break the jar, she put Li Yan'er down, and then told Xuan Chen.

"You take Yan'er and wait for me here, I'll come out after a while."

After finishing speaking, she got in through the dog hole, and Li Yan'er thought it was very funny seeing Su Yutong doing this.

Before Xuan Chen could stop her, she also got into the dog hole.

Xuan Chen's expression showed a little helplessness, and in the next second, he was also inside the wall.

At this moment, there is only Li Yan'er in the wall, Su Yutong has disappeared, and Li Yan'er is looking around to find Su Yutong.

Seeing Xuan Chen also came in, Li Yan'er pulled Xuan Chen's clothes, then raised her head to look at Xuan Chen.

"Looking for a mother~"

"it is good."

So Xuan Chen took Li Yan'er straight to Su Yutong's room.

At this moment, Su Yutong was happily looking for money from her private house, when she suddenly felt her legs being hugged.


Turning her head to look, she found that Xuan Chen and Li Yan'er were in her room at the moment, seeing Su Yutong's heart ached.

She immediately ran over, closed the door, and then locked it from the inside, before walking in front of Xuan Chen.

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me outside?"

"Yan'er was afraid that you would not want her, so she followed her."

Xuan Chen used Li Yan'er as an excuse, and now he is very proficient in using it, and he can come here as soon as he opens his mouth.

Sure enough, once Xuan Chen used Li Yan'er as an excuse, Su Yutong didn't blame Xuan Chen.

Instead, he became interested in how Xuan Chen got in. Could it be that he also got in through a dog's hole?
Thinking of this, Su Yutong actually felt faintly excited.

"How did you get in here?"

Although I was sure that Xuanchen came in through a dog's hole, wouldn't it be more interesting to hear him say it himself?
Xuan Chen could see Su Yutong's carelessness at a glance, but in order to make his wife happy, Xuan Chen didn't care about embarrassment or anything.

So under Su Yutong's expectant gaze, he said, "Same as you."

As soon as Xuan Chen finished speaking, Su Yutong smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Not bad, promising!"

In this way, the next time she goes into the dog hole, she will not feel burdened at all. Anyway, Xuanchen, a big man, has been through it, so what is she afraid of?

Happy to be happy, Su Yutong has not forgotten the business, she stuffed the private money on the dressing table into her sleeve.

Then she was about to sneak out again with Xuan Chen and Li Yan'er, but she had just walked to the door when she heard footsteps coming from outside.

She was so frightened that she immediately pushed Xuan Chen and Li Yan'er behind a screen in her room, and then warned Xuan Chen.

"You are not allowed to talk later, if you are found out, I want you to look good!"

When she looked at Li Yan'er again, Su Yutong's tone became very gentle.

"Yan'er, be good, don't talk later, if you behave well, mother will take you to buy candy later."


Li Yan'er nodded obediently immediately, and then covered her mouth.

Seeing this, Su Yutong walked out satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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