Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 278 Is Tongtong afraid that his father-in-law will look down on me?

Chapter 278 Is Tongtong afraid that his father-in-law will look down on me?

After a while, Mrs. Su came back. When she heard that there were guests in the house, she went directly to the front hall.

When she saw Su Yutong playing with a little doll very happily, and Xuan Chen beside him was looking at Su Yutong with a smile on his lips, Madam Su's expression changed slightly.

Then he walked up to Xuan Chen and greeted Xuan Chen very politely.

"Mr. Xuan's presence really makes my Su Mansion flourish. I'll go down and ask someone to arrange lunch. Please don't dislike Mr. Xuan."

"Madam Su is serious."

Xuan Chen put down the teacup in his hand, and nodded slightly towards Mrs. Su.

"Then I will go down with the master to prepare."

After speaking, Mrs. Su walked up to Master Su, motioned him to go with her, and then looked at Su Yutong again.

"Tongtong, treat Mr. Xuan well."

Su Yutong immediately nodded obediently, and after Mrs. Su and Master Su left, Su Yutong questioned Xuanchen again.

"How did you meet my dad?"

If she had known that Xuan Chen knew her father, she would not have been so worried. Today she was ready to be beaten to death.

"I met by chance a few years ago. Is Tongtong afraid that my father-in-law and mother-in-law will look down on me?"

In fact, Xuan Chen was still a little bit troubled at the moment, Madam Su's attitude just now was clearly dissatisfied with him.

Now it's a bit difficult to deal with, his wife doesn't like him, even his wife's mother doesn't like him, this is the first time Xuan Chen has encountered such a problem in his tens of thousands of years of life.

"I'm not afraid, but my mother doesn't like you at all, so you should give up."

Su Yutong believed that her mother would never let her marry someone who opened a brothel, so it was better for Xuan Chen to give up as soon as possible.

Besides, Su Yutong didn't believe that Xuan Chen would like her, there must be many women like Xuan Chen.

And how could Xuanchen just fall in love with her, and they haven't known each other for a long time, so Xuanchen must have some purpose.

Seeing what Su Yutong said, Xuan Chen smiled slightly. It is absolutely impossible to give up. The daughter-in-law who was finally chased in the fairy world will never give up in the lower realm.

Here, Mrs. Su dragged Master Su to go a little further before stopping. Master Su was a little puzzled by this, didn't he say to go to the kitchen?

"The little doll who played with Tongtong just now, is Mr. Xuan's daughter?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Master Su's expression became even more puzzled, why did his wife ask this?

As soon as Master Su finished speaking, Mrs. Su's expression became a little serious.

"Haven't you seen it yet? Just now, I saw that Mr. Xuan looked at our family Tongtong in the eyes, and he clearly fell in love with Tongtong."


Master Su was a little surprised, Mr. Xuan already has children, and he must have a wife, so it's impossible for him to have any thoughts about his daughter, right?

Mrs. Su glared at Master Su again, "How is that impossible? I could see clearly the way he looked at Tongtong just now. This Mr. Xuan didn't want my Tongtong to be his child's stepmother, he just wanted to My Tongtong is his concubine.

So we have to be careful in the future, and we can't let Tongtong get in touch with him too much. With the appearance of this Mr. Xuan, Tongtong might be seduced by him. "

Master Su nodded quickly, "Madam said yes, you should be more careful."

Although Xuanchen is the benefactor of the Su family, even so, Master Su would not allow Xuanchen to have his daughter's idea.

The daughter of her Su family would never be someone else's concubine, and she would never be someone else's stepmother.

(End of this chapter)

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