Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 289 No one can stop her, she is going to teach Xuan Chen to be a man today!

Chapter 289 No one can stop her, she is going to teach Xuan Chen to be a man today!

Then, as if nothing had happened, he walked into the pavilion and first saluted Bai Yu.

"Princess, the banquet has already begun, please invite the princess to go to the banquet."

"Okay, I'll go now."

As soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, another servant girl came to help her up, and then she looked at Su Yutong again.

"Miss Su, please come with me. I feel that Miss Su is very kind. We may have a lot of conversations when we sit together."

"I'm sorry, princess, my mother and Miss Su's mother are good friends, so she told me to take Miss Su to her."

Just as Su Yutong was about to refuse, Shen Congxin said this in advance.

This was the first time she felt that Shen Congxin was so pleasing to the eye, but even so, she would not marry Shen Congxin as her mother wished.

Following Shen Congxin to Mrs. Shen's place, Mrs. Shen saw Su Yutong as if she was seeing her own daughter, and she was very warm to Su Yutong.

So much so that during the whole process of the banquet, Su Yutong was doing her favorite part of eating and eating.

After the banquet, Su Yutong was not in a hurry to go home, but told the maid arranged by Mrs. Su that she was going to go shopping.

The maid wanted to stop Su Yutong, but how could they stop Su Yutong?After a while they lost track of them.

Su Yutong walked straight towards the south of the city, no one could stop her, she was going to kill Xuan Chen today!
Soon she arrived at the south of the city, and she walked a little further to see Xuanchen's residence.

At this moment, the main gate of the mansion in front of me is closed, and it is unknown whether its owner is at home, but Su Yutong still walked over to knock on the door.

What if Xuan Chen is at home?
If it wasn't for her wit today, she really wouldn't know how to explain it, and she would have given Shen Congxin a brick.

If her mother found out about this, wouldn't she be free in the future?
Therefore, this revenge is not a woman!
Su Yutong just stretched out her hand to knock on the door, but unexpectedly the door opened by itself, and she glanced inside with some doubts.

But he didn't see a single person, could it be that the door will open by itself?

Su Yutong stepped in hesitantly, and when she walked in, she saw that Xuanchen was sitting in the pavilion in the middle of the pond.

Su Yutong walked over immediately, and when she stepped into the pavilion, Xuan Chen's voice reached her ears.

"Tongtong misses me, that's why he came to me so impatiently?"

Xuan Chen put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Su Yutong.

In fact, he had sensed Su Yutong's aura long ago, and seeing Su Yutong come to him on his own initiative, he still felt a little bit of excitement in his heart.

But at this moment, Su Yutong gave Xuan Chen the feeling that he didn't miss him anymore, but that he wanted to seek revenge on him.

As soon as this thought flashed through Xuanchen's mind, Su Yutong walked up to him.

"I can't wait to come to you, but it's definitely not because I miss you."

After saying that, Su Yutong became even angrier, "Why did you give me a brick yesterday?"

It was so delicately packaged that she almost thought it was something good.

And Xuan Chen lied to her yesterday that he was too tired to find a gift for her, so can finding a brick make someone tired?

Xuanchen obviously wanted the scumbag to take advantage of her, and even cheated her of one of her purses.

Hearing what Su Yutong said, Xuan Chen was slightly taken aback.

"How did you know what was in there?"

He originally thought that after Su Yutong gave the gift to Shen Congxin, Shen Congxin would open it and see the brick inside.

He must have understood that Su Yutong was not interested in him, so that Shen Congxin would give up on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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