Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 292 Then I'm going to touch the chapter in the future

Chapter 292 Then I will touch it back in the future

But the more Xuan Chen showed this expression, the more Su Yutong wanted to ravage Xuan Chen, thinking this way, Su Yutong stretched out her sinful hands.

Diameter just pinched Xuan Chen's face, I have to say, Xuan Chen not only has a little white face, but even this face is very smooth to the touch.

But in comparison, Su Yutong still prefers to touch Xuanchen's other places.

For example, Xuanchen's abdominal muscles, just thinking about it, Su Yutong couldn't help showing a wretched smile.

"What is Tongtong thinking?"

In fact, looking at Su Yutong's smile, Xuan Chen knew that she was thinking of something bad.

When he was in the fairy world, every time Su Yutong wanted to attack him, he would show a similar smile. Of course, Su Yutong cried and begged him for mercy in the end.

Thinking about it this way, Xuanchen began to miss his life in the fairy world a little bit. It seems that he still has to wait for a while if he wants to eat meat.

"No...don't think of anything."

When Xuan Chen asked such a question, Su Yutong immediately came back to his senses.

But the hand that was on Xuanchen's face was reluctant to take it off, although she couldn't touch where she wanted to touch, but now she can be regarded as satisfying her greed first.

"How does Tongtong feel?"

Seeing that Su Yutong was reluctant to let go of his hand, Xuan Chen asked this question.

"Very good."

Su Yutong couldn't help pinching it a few more times, it felt really good!

As soon as she finished speaking, a trace of success flashed in Xuan Chen's eyes, and then she put her hand on Su Yutong's.

"Then I will touch it back in the future."

After saying this, Xuanchen looked at Su Yutong with a meaningful look.

Su Yutong instantly understood what Xuan Chen meant, she wanted to withdraw her hand, but Xuan Chen held her.

"You are really stingy, what's wrong with just touching you a few times?"

When he said this, Su Yutong was a little afraid to look at Xuan Chen, and his face couldn't help but feel hot.

"I'm extremely principled when doing things. Since Tongtong touched me, shouldn't I touch me back?"

Xuan Chen's words successfully fooled Su Yutong. Although Su Yutong felt that something was wrong, she couldn't find a reason to refute Xuan Chen.

So Su Yutong decided to skip this topic, she glanced at the sky, the sun was about to set, and the sky was covered with fire clouds, which added a bit of warmth to the surrounding scenery.

Looking at the time, Su Yutong felt that it was time for her to go home. If she was late, her mother would never let her go.

So she got up from Xuan Chen's embrace, and said something to Xuan Chen.

"I want to go back."

For some reason, Su Yutong still felt a little reluctant to say these words today.

Seeing Su Yutong's reluctant eyes, Xuan Chen felt extremely happy in his heart.

"Why don't Tongtong stay here tonight?"

He hasn't slept with his wife for a long time, recalling the last time he slept together, it seemed like it happened yesterday.

"No, my mother will tell me if I go back late."

Su Yutong felt that her face became even hotter. It was an ordinary sentence, but Xuan Chen said it so ambiguously, she couldn't help but start to think about it.

"Then I'll take Tongtong back."

When Xuanchen got up, he saw the purse and invitation card on the table again, and then said to Su Yutong:

"You can take this purse and invitation back home, and return it to the princess when you have time. I already have Tongtong, so I won't accept anything from others."

In fact, Su Yutong also didn't want Xuanchen to take Bai Yu's things back. Since Xuanchen asked her to take them back, she put the purse and invitations into her sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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