Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 305 She Thought Her Mother Finally Realized That Her Family Was Rich

Chapter 305 She Thought Her Mother Finally Realized That Her Family Was Rich

Seeing Xuan Chen leave an afterimage in front of his eyes, the Immortal Emperor couldn't help but sigh, thanks to the God of God, the work efficiency is so high.

In fact, what the Immortal Emperor didn't know was that Xuan Chen was just in a hurry to get things done so that he could go back to find his wife.

After arriving at the devil's lair, Xuanchen really felt that the devilish energy in the devil's lair was much higher than usual, and the seal that sealed the devil king also showed some signs of loosening.

When the guards guarding the magic cave saw Xuan Chen coming, they immediately saluted Xuan Chen, with expressions on their faces as if they saw a savior.

Xuanchen stepped into the devil's lair without hesitation. For ordinary immortals, they would definitely not be able to bear such a heavy devil's energy.

But Xuanchen has become a god right now, so having a bit of magic energy has no effect on him at all.


Su Yutong found that her mother was very strange these past few days, she often had a happy look on her face, and the number of times she went to Shen's residence became more and more frequent.

Once, Su Yutong couldn't help being curious, so she asked Mrs. Su if any happy events had happened recently, but Mrs. Su's mouth was very strict, and she didn't say a word about what happened.

So Su Yutong didn't ask any more, and just thought that Madam Su had encountered something happy recently.

Until one day, when Su Yutong saw her mother came back with a lot of things, she thought that her mother finally realized that her family was a rich family, so she began to enjoy life.

But Su Yutong found that she didn't seem to need the things Mrs. Su bought, so Su Yutong asked Mrs. Su curiously.

"Mom, did you buy these things? You don't seem to need them?"

Su Yutong found that there were many jewelry from her daughter's family in it. Could it be that her mother bought it for her?

Madam Su just smiled and pulled Su Yutong to her side.

"Of course these mothers don't need them. My mother bought this for you. My mother also bought you a piece of clothing. You can go back with your mother and try it on to see if it fits."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Su took Su Yutong and walked to her residence.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Su Yutong's heart. Sure enough, the facts proved that her premonition was quite correct.

After returning, Mrs. Su asked the servant girl to bring a bright red dress, which looked like a wedding dress.

Su Yutong was slightly puzzled, why did her mother buy her a wedding dress?
"Mom, why are you buying this for me?"

She doesn't want to marry yet!
Mrs. Su accepted the wedding dress with a smile, and then began to gesticulate on Su Yutong.

"Didn't mother prepare this for you in advance? Today, when mother was shopping, she saw this one at a glance.

Moreover, this is also the only one in that store. My mother immediately bought it for you, and you can use it when you get married. "

Since Mrs. Su said so, Su Yutong obediently went into the room and began to try on clothes. Although she didn't want to marry, she couldn't waste her mother's love.

After Su Yutong changed, Su Yutong was surprised to find that the clothes fit surprisingly well. She even doubted whether it was tailor-made for her.

Mrs. Su nodded in satisfaction when she saw Su Yutong put it on. Su Yutong really looked good in this wedding dress.

Mrs. Su became more and more satisfied the more she looked at it, but Su Yutong always felt a little weird when she saw her mother's eyes staring at her.

But she didn't know where the strangeness was. Su Yutong thought carefully about her mother's behavior these days.

I also felt that there was nothing unusual, her mother was just happier than usual.

(End of this chapter)

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