Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 322 Tongtong is very curious about why I know this?

Chapter 322 Tongtong is very curious about why I know this?

Bai Yu said so, although Su Yutong wanted to leave now, but he had to follow Bai Yu and continue to move forward.

At the same time, Su Yutong began to calculate in her mind how she would escape if Bai Yu arranged for someone to assassinate her.

But after walking for a while, Su Yutong found that there was still nothing abnormal around her. At this moment, she didn't understand what Bai Yu was going to do.

When the two reached the end of the alley, a family appeared in front of them.

"Tongtong, I think you're tired from walking too. This is a courtyard she bought before. Let's rest here for a while. I'll take you back after the rest."

After Bai Yu walked to the door, she took out a key from her sleeve. It seems that this is really the courtyard she bought.

After opening the door, the layout inside was completely different from the one seen from the outside. Looking at it from the outside just now, Su Yutong thought it was just an ordinary family inside.

Unexpectedly, when I came in and took a look, I found that there was another mystery inside. It looked very big inside, and there were potted plants in the courtyard.

There is a small river ahead, a bridge is built on the river, and there is a pavilion on the bridge, Bai Yu leads Su Yutong towards the pavilion.

After the two sat down, Bai Yu started making tea again.

"Does Tongtong know that Xuan Chen likes making tea and studying chess?"

When Su Yutong was thinking about what Bai Yu wanted to do, she heard Bai Yu ask her such a sentence. Su Yutong was slightly surprised. She knew this, but she didn't understand what Bai Yu meant.

Bai Yu didn't care whether Su Yutong answered or not, so he continued talking.

"At the same time, he also likes to collect some rare treasures. He has a cold temper and doesn't like to interact with people, and he doesn't like to pester his women too much."

Su Yutong didn't know what Bai Yu said this time, and she became even more curious, why did Bai Yu know so much?
"Tongtong is very curious, why do I know this?"

Bai Yu looked up at Su Yutong, then pushed a cup of brewed tea in front of Su Yutong.

"Because I fell in love with Xuanchen a long time ago, and Xuanchen belongs to me, but because of your appearance, you took away everything that belongs to me!"

When Bai Yu said this, he became very excited, and his face also became ferocious, and he no longer had the gentle look he used to.

Seeing her like this, Su Yutong was even more confused, she didn't understand what Bai Yu meant.

But even so, she heard what Bai Yu meant, she was going to have a showdown with herself.

Su Yutong began to be more defensive towards Bai Yu, usually like this, nothing good will happen next.

Sure enough, Bai Yu got up and walked in front of Su Yutong, and then grabbed Su Yutong's chin, but Su Yutong was surprised to find that she couldn't move at all at this moment.

"Who would have thought that you would actually come to the lower realm this time, and you sent it to my door on your own initiative to be slaughtered by me.

I wanted to manipulate your fate to make you fall in love with Yuhua, so that Xuan Chen would no longer like you, and I could get rid of you without anyone noticing, but my plan failed! "

When Bai Yu said that, her face was full of madness, and then she changed into Su Yutong's appearance in front of Su Yutong.

Then, he took the bracelet that was given to Su Yutong last time from Su Yutong's hand, and took it with him.

Only then did Su Yutong realize that the bracelet she thought she had lost that day had miraculously reappeared at this time.

Su Yutong also realized that the Bai Yu in front of her didn't seem so simple, but when she was about to speak, she found that she couldn't make any sound now.

(End of this chapter)

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