Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 330 Shangxian, can you tell me what happened afterwards?

Chapter 330 Shangxian, can you tell me what happened afterwards?

After Yuehe left, Xuanchen carried Su Yutong directly to the pavilion, and when he arrived at the pavilion, Xuanchen hugged Su Yutong in his arms, reluctant to let go.

Sitting on Xuanchen's lap, Su Yutong casually pulled a lock of Xuanchen's hair to play with.

"Shangxian, were you the one who saved me that day?"

Although Su Yutong asked this question, she felt that Xuanchen must have saved her, otherwise how could she have escaped from Lanmeng under the circumstances at that time.

When Xuan Chen heard Su Yutong's question, he frowned again.

"Have you forgotten what happened that day?"

He originally thought that Su Yutong would wake up and ask her what happened to her that day, but now looking at Su Yutong's situation, it seems that he has forgotten what happened that day.

"I remember that Lanmeng wanted to kill me. At that time, I was so painful that my consciousness was blurred. I don't remember what happened afterwards. Shangxian, can you tell me what happened later?"

Seeing Xuan Chen's puzzled expression, Su Yutong wanted to know what happened that day even more.

"When I arrived that day, Lanmeng had already been captured by you. You were very strange at that time, and you were full of murderous aura. It seemed that you had some kind of grudge with Lanmeng, but in the end, Lanmeng's body was directly captured by you. Torn."

After Xuanchen finished speaking, Su Yutong's face was full of surprise. Is she really that powerful?

But since Xuanchen said it, it must be good. Su Yutong began to regret it at this moment, she actually forgot about it.

She really felt very regretful that she couldn't see the scene where she personally tore Lanmeng apart, but she finally avenged her.

Lanmeng's body was destroyed, presumably Lanmeng's primordial spirit would not stay in the three realms for long before disappearing into the three realms.

This feeling of having avenged her vengeance is really not ordinary. Thinking that no one will plot against her in the future, and no one will compete with her for Xuan Chen again, Su Yutong couldn't help being a little excited.

"Didn't Lanmeng be tortured in Leichi? How did she get out?"

Although Lanmeng, as a fate book, can manipulate the fate of mortals, Lei Chi's supervision is very strict, and it is impossible for Lanmeng to escape.

After Xuanchen returned to the fairyland, he investigated this matter clearly.

It turned out that after Su Yutong went to the lower realm to experience tribulations, Yuhua went to Leichi to visit Lanmeng, but Lanmeng bewitched Yuhua.

Let Yuhua also go to the lower realm to experience calamity, and Lanmeng will manipulate Su Yutong to fall in love with the reincarnated Yuhua.

In this way, after Su Yutong's calamity, Yuhua can be with Su Yutong successfully.

Yuhua also felt that this was his only chance, so he listened to Lanmeng's words, tore off a page from Lanmeng's body, and took it with him for reincarnation.

Yuhua was reincarnated as Shen Congxin, and Lanmeng was reincarnated as Bai Yu, because she was a fate book.

So she not only possesses memory, but also possesses fairy art, because after reincarnation, even Xuanchen could not discover her true identity.

Therefore, in the past ten years, Lanmeng has secretly replaced her in the Thunder Pool with a clone, while she herself began to plan how to make Su Yutong and Yuhua fall in love in the lower realm.

But she didn't expect that Su Yutong didn't like Yuhua at all, but fell in love with Xuanchen instead.

Su Yutong knew everything that happened next.

After listening to Xuanchen's speech, Su Yutong suddenly realized, she said why Lanmeng said that she planned to make her fall in love with Yuhua when she had no memory.

(End of this chapter)

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