Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 360 As long as Tongtong 1 appears, then my whole heart will belong to Tongtong

Chapter 360 As long as Tongtong appears, my whole heart will belong to Tongtong

But just after she was proud of herself, she saw Jiang Yun also took out the jade pendant on her body, Xiaohui's eyes widened immediately, she clearly remembered that she had hidden the jade pendant, but why did she return to Jiang Yun now? hands?
The two who took out the jade pendant looked at each other and smiled, and Jiang Yun also completely believed in Linghua.

So after knowing his identity, Jiang Yun planned to go back with Linghua. He originally left Xiaohui a large amount of silver.

But Xiaohui didn't want it, but knelt down in front of Jiang Yun, begging Jiang Yun to take her back, and she was willing to be Jiang Yun's maid.

Although Jiang Yun disagreed at the beginning, Xiaohui insisted on pestering her and even threatened her with death. In the end, Linghua had no choice but to accept her as her maid.

"Shangxian, this Xiaohui is still undecided, should we continue to watch her, lest she make trouble again."

After watching the play, Su Yutong saw that Xiaohui hadn't given up, so she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Xuan Chen picked up Su Yutong, and the two of them went under the tree in an instant.

"Don't worry, Jiang Yun is sincere to Linghua. Now he can see that Xiaohui has bad intentions, and he will definitely guard against her in the future. Since Linghua's fate has returned to the original track, then your task It's done."

"Then Shangxian, if one day you lose your memory, will you fall in love with other women?"

Su Yutong suddenly asked this question curiously, but after asking this question, Su Yutong felt a little sour in his heart.

"Has Tongtong ever seen anyone I have liked in the past tens of thousands of years?"

Xuan Chen didn't answer Su Yutong's question, but asked Su Yutong back.

Su Yutong didn't understand why Xuanchen asked such a question, although she hadn't heard that Xuanchen had liked anyone in the past tens of thousands of years, but the rumors from the outside world were like this, who knew what he was thinking?

"I've only just become a spirit, how can I know about you? And how do others know what you think in your heart? Maybe you are secretly hiding someone in your heart."

Su Yutong poked Xuan Chen's heart a few times as if he was venting his anger after saying that.

Seeing Su Yutong so jealous, Xuan Chen couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, he grabbed Su Yutong's hand and pressed it on his heart.

"Yes, I am secretly hiding Tongtong in my heart. I have met many people in the past tens of thousands of years, but none of them can make me fall in love until Tongtong appears.

So if I lose my memory, I will never fall in love with other women, as long as Tongtong appears, then my whole heart will belong to Tongtong. "

Xuan Chen's words made Su Yutong so elated that he couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

The hand on Xuanchen's heart couldn't help touching it a few times, and then reluctantly let go.

"Then let's just say that, if you dare to fall in love with other women in the future, I will castrate you."

Speaking of Su Yutong, he gestured twice, Xuan Chen held Su Yutong's hand, and then led Su Yutong forward.

"Madam, be careful, after all, this is related to your future sexual happiness."

"That... shall we go back now?"

Su Yutong's expression was a little embarrassed, and she decided to skip this topic.

Although the task is completed now, she still doesn't want to go back just like this. For the past few days, she has not bought food in the lower realm properly because of the task.

Xuanchen also noticed that Su Yutong didn't want to go back so soon, so Xuanchen took Su Yutong to the famous snack street in the capital.

Su Yutong remembered that this street was the street where she often came to collect protection fees when she was in the lower realm.

(End of this chapter)

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