Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 373 Shangxian, why don't I help you take a bath?

Chapter 373 Shangxian, why don't I help you take a bath?
"No, you have to eat if you don't want to eat. I have to personally feed the Shangxian."

Saying that, Su Yutong took out from her storage bag, the fairy dew that Fairy Baihua left for her last time.

Then he took out a small spoon and began to feed Xiao Xuanchen. As soon as the spoon was placed on Xiao Xuanchen's mouth, Xiao Xuanchen stuck out his tongue and licked it.

After tasting the sweet taste, Xiao Xuanchen smiled at Su Yutong.

Seeing this, Su Yutong couldn't help being a little proud, "Shangxian, you said no, but your body is quite honest. Look at you, you obviously like to eat."

"Because it was fed by Tongtong, so I like it for my husband."

When Xuanchen said this, Su Yutong's interest became even higher. She picked up the can of fairy dew on the table and began to feed Xiao Xuanchen vigorously.

At first, Xiao Xuanchen ate very vigorously, but later on, when Su Yutong fed him again, he was unwilling to cooperate with Su Yutong.

Looking at the situation, Xuanchen seemed to understand why he didn't like sweets anymore, maybe it was the shadow left by Su Yutong.

"Shangxian, why don't you eat it?"

Seeing that little Xuanchen has been refusing to cooperate with him, Su Yutong turned his attention to Xuanchen again.

"Maybe I'm full."

In order not to spoil Su Yutong's mood, Xuan Chen felt that he should not tell Su Yutong why.

At this time, Xuanchen also faintly felt that the two of them are not in the memory of the master of Linglong Mirror now, but more like returning to the past.

This is just Xuanchen's guess, what is the specific situation, Xuanchen is not very clear now.

"Oh, then I'll keep the rest and feed you when you're hungry."

Su Yutong looked at the big can still left, and said this proudly.

Xuan Chen: "..."

He can now be sure that it is because of Su Yutong that he doesn't like sweets.

But for the sake of his wife's happiness, Xuan Chen felt that it was okay for him to suffer a little bit, so Xuan Chen didn't stop Su Yutong.

Su Yutong hugged Xiao Xuanchen and thought of something else, and looked at Xuanchen excitedly.

"Shangxian, how about I help you take a bath?"

Xuan Chen was slightly surprised, when did his wife take the initiative?

At the same time, Xuanchen felt a wave of anticipation in his heart, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"it is good."

Just as Xuanchen finished speaking, Su Yutong was walking towards the Lingquan with Xiao Xuanchen in his arms.

Xuan Chen's smile froze at the edge of his mouth, and his heart felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it.

Seeing that Su Yutong was about to disappear from his sight, Xuan Chen got up helplessly and followed.

Su Yutong came to the Lingquan, unwrapped Xiao Xuanchen's clothes, and put him directly into the water.

Xuanchen who just came in couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that Su Yutong didn't just throw him into the Lingquan when he was a child.

He didn't want to find that one day, he suddenly found himself afraid of water.

Su Yutong washed Xiao Xuanchen very hard here, she was going to tarnish the innocence of the Shangxian.

Thinking of this, Su Yutong still felt a little excited.

"Shangxian, you were really good when you were young."

Seeing that Xiao Xuanchen had been letting himself be manipulated and didn't resist at all, Su Yutong couldn't help saying this with Xuanchen.

After Xuan Chen came to Su Yutong's side, he saw himself playing happily in the water when he was a child, so he couldn't help but began to tease Su Yutong.

"Madam helps my husband to take a bath herself, how could my husband be misbehaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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