Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 380 But how much you give depends on Madam's performance tonight

Chapter 380 But how much you give depends on Madam's performance tonight
Just as Su Yutong finished speaking, Su Yutong squeezed slightly with the hand holding Suzaku's neck, and Suzaku immediately let out a scream.

Su Yutong snorted coldly, and without looking at her current situation, she dared to speak wild words.

Seeing Su Yutong's unconvinced look, Su Yutong seemed to have thought of something, and she suddenly showed a smirk.

"In order to thank you for bringing me retribution, how about I take you to the lower realm this time?"

Anyway, Su Yutong felt that Xuanchen definitely didn't have time to go to the lower realm with her this time, so she might as well bring Suzaku with her, so that she could run errands for her.

As soon as Suzaku heard this, he immediately became furious.

"Woman, give up, it's impossible! This divine beast won't do coolies for you! The master won't agree to it either!"

As soon as Suzaku finished speaking, he saw Xuanchen just came back, so he looked at Xuanchen expectantly, hoping that Xuanchen could rescue it from Su Yutong's hands.

But Xuanchen didn't even look at Suzaku, and walked directly in front of Su Yutong.

"Madam, are you waiting for your husband to come back?"

Seeing Su Yutong standing in front of the door, Xuanchen still felt a little happy in his heart. It's a good feeling to see his wife waiting for him when he comes back.

Obviously, Su Yutong didn't know Xuanchen's thoughts, but told the real reason very honestly.

"No, it was the disciple of Immortal Siming who just sent another deviant fate over."

Xuan Chen: "..."

Can't you just lie to him and make him happy?

"I still have some things to deal with right now, so I can't go with you this time. I will let Suzaku go with you."

Xuanchen seemed to think of something while talking, and said something to Su Yutong in a sour tone.

"However, Ma'am has gone to the lower realm, but you must always remember that you are a man with a husband, and don't get too close to other men, especially you are not allowed to see Yuhua."

Speaking of which, Xuanchen gave Suzaku a suggestive look, obviously to make Suzaku stare at Su Yutong.

Seeing that Suzaku did this kind of thing a lot, he immediately understood Xuanchen's meaning, and at the same time nodded his head fiercely.

He wanted to please Xuanchen with this, so that Xuanchen could rescue himself from Su Yutong's clutches.

But after Xuanchen gave Suzaku a look, he stopped looking at Suzaku, and turned his attention to Su Yutong.

"Shangxian, don't worry, I won't get too close to other men, but..."

Speaking of this, Su Yutong rolled his eyes again, as if he was making some small calculations again.

"Shangxian, can you give me some pocket money?"

In the past, she always went to the lower realm with Xuanchen, and she was responsible for buying everything, and Xuanchen was responsible for paying and helping her get things.

And this time she went to the lower realm alone, of course she had to bring more silver, otherwise she would feel insecure.

While Su Yutong was making small plans, Xuan Chen also began to plan, and something flashed in his eyes.

"Of course, but how much you give depends on Madam's performance tonight."

Seeing that Xuanchen started to be dishonest again, Su Yutong felt a little embarrassed, but for her sake, she would not be short of silver flowers in the lower realm.

Su Yutong felt that her face could be put aside first, so Su Yutong threw away the Suzaku in her hand, and threw herself into Xuanchen's arms.

"Shangxian, let's study erotic pictures together!"

"it is good."

Seeing that Su Yutong was so active, Xuanchen naturally wanted to cooperate with Su Yutong, so after shutting the two beasts out of the door, Xuanchen carried Su Yutong back to the room.

(End of this chapter)

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