Chapter 393
"Since you hurt innocent people, and your thoughts are so vicious, then you are not worthy of being a cultivator. Today, I will abolish your cultivation for Master."

Standing in front of Li Xuan, Fu Chen said this lightly.

Feeling that her cultivation was abolished, Li Xuan's expression was a little crazy, and her eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Abolished my cultivation for Master? Are you doing it for Master? Or for that woman? I didn't expect a brother who is always fair to do such a thing."

Speaking of this, Li Xuan's eyes were still a bit bleak, Fuchen was always very fair in his work.

It was also the same in the teacher's school before, as a senior brother, he never favored anyone, even if he had a good impression of Li Xuan at that time, he would not break the rules for Li Xuan.

But now, Li Xuan's crimes are not enough to abolish her cultivation base, Fu Chen obviously did this to avenge Xiao Feng.

When Li Xuan looked up at Fu Chen, she found that there was no trace of panic in Fu Chen's eyes, and then Fu Chen squatted down and grabbed Li Xuan's neck.

"I just want to avenge her. I didn't kill you today. Even if you are lucky, it was her blood that saved you. If you don't appreciate it, just return the favor and return the favor.

I fell in love with her so what?What does this have to do with her?It's my fault why didn't you come at me? "

Speaking of this, Fu Chen became agitated, and the hand pinching Li Xuan's neck began to exert force continuously, until Li Xuan couldn't breathe and her vision began to blur before Fu Chen let her go.

"Don't think I don't know, you just want to find a sense of superiority in me."

When Li Xuan lay down on the ground and took a big mouthful of air, she suddenly heard Fu Chen say such a sentence.

Li Xuan was stunned immediately, and looked at Fuchen in surprise, but at this moment Fuchen had already turned and left.

When Su Yutong was listening to the gossip, the door of the room was suddenly opened. The moment Su Yutong saw Fuchen, his face was full of embarrassment.

The feeling of being caught eavesdropping is really embarrassing.

"Thank you just now, girl, for saving me."

When Su Yutong was about to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere, Fuchen spoke first.

Fuchen understood that it was impossible for him to break free from the fixing spell just now, someone must be helping him secretly.

And he met Su Yutong as soon as he went out, so Su Yutong presumably helped him.

"You're welcome."

Su Yutong smiled awkwardly, in fact, she wanted to come to study, but unexpectedly met Fuchen.

"If I have something to do, I will leave first, and I will repay the girl another day."

Saying that, Fu Chen hurriedly walked towards the door.

At this time, driven by curiosity, Su Yutong followed Fuchen again, but the more Su Yutong looked at it, the more he felt that the direction Fuchen was walking in was somewhat familiar.

After following for a while, Su Yutong found out that Fuchen was going in the direction of the underworld, didn't he?
Reminiscent of the conversation between Li Xuan and Fuchen in the room just now, Su Yutong guessed that Fuchen might be looking for Xiaofeng, so Su Yutong rushed to Fuchen to stop him.

"Is there anything else you can do, girl? I have something important right now. If you have anything to do, please come back to me after a while."

Fuchen's tone was a little eager, and after he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to avoid Su Yutong.

"Are you going to find Xiaofeng?"

"Does the girl know where she is now?"

As soon as Xiaofeng was mentioned, Fuchen stopped immediately, and asked Su Yutong with some doubts, and at the same time there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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