Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 425 If you want to use her as free labor, she won't be fooled

Chapter 425 If you want to use her as free labor, she won't be fooled
The next day, when Su Yutong was lying on Xuanchen's lap, basking in the sun and enjoying Xuanchen's feeding, Suzaku suddenly ran in front of the two of them.

"Master! The disciple of Immortal Siming is here again!"

Speaking of the disciple of Immortal Si Ming, Su Yutong thought of going to the lower realm to do missions. Right now, she is enjoying the vacation she had won so hard, and she doesn't want to do missions at all.

"Shangxian, can you stop doing the mission?"

There were 1 reluctances in Su Yutong's heart, but as soon as Su Yutong finished speaking, Suzaku handed Su Yutong a pamphlet.

"I have to do it, woman. For convenience, I have already accepted the booklet for you, so you have to do the task."

Su Yutong was full of complacency when he said this, who told Su Yutong to trick him last time, and it finally came back this time, thinking about Suzaku in this way, he felt very fulfilled.

And Su Yutong took the brochure, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Shangxian, now that Yuhua has returned, so the changes in other people's lives don't matter to me?"

She just changed Yuhua's fate at the beginning, and now Yuhua has returned, so if someone's fate changes, it has nothing to do with her.

The more Su Yutong thought about it, the more she reasoned. This Immortal Si Ming is really cunning, if she wants to use her as free labor, she will not be fooled.

"That's true. If you don't want to go, let Suzaku send this natal character back."

Xuan Chen also knew that Su Yutong didn't want to go, and now that Yuhua had returned, it stands to reason that Su Yutong would not be in charge of the rest.

When Suzaku heard Xuanchen said that he wanted to let him send his fate back, he immediately drooped his head.

If I had known it, I would not have accepted this pamphlet on my own initiative.

"I don't need it to send it, I will go by myself."

Hearing what Su Yutong said, Suzaku immediately raised his head. Could it be that this woman has changed her gender?

Just thinking about it, Su Yutong heard Su Yutong say something again.

"It's so stupid, I'm afraid it can't handle it well, so I'll do it myself."

Suzaku: "..."

Not attacking with such a bird body.

"Then my husband will go with you."

Of course Xuanchen is, he will be there where his wife is, and before Su Yutong agrees after speaking, Xuanchen walks out with Su Yutong in his arms.

Originally, Xuan Chen planned to just hug Su Yutong all the way to Siming Palace, but after Su Yutong strongly protested.

Only then did Xuan Chen put Su Yutong down, then took Su Yutong's hand, and the two walked all the way to Siming Palace.

"I've met Xuanchen Shangshen, Shangshen's wife, why do you two have time to come to me?"

When the two went in, Si Ming was flirting with a female fairy in front of all the fairy boys, and he didn't shy away from it at all.

They didn't separate until they saw Xuan Chen and Su Yutong walking in.

"It seems that Si Ming is quite free during this time."

Su Yutong looked at the female fairy beside her who was still blushing, and couldn't help saying this to Si Ming.

At the same time, there is still some imbalance in his heart, Si Ming really wants to leave everything to her, and then he will be happy.

"Madame Shangshen was joking, Xiaoxian is just entertaining occasionally."

Hearing what Su Yutong said, Si Ming immediately explained something to Su Yutong in embarrassment.

At the same time, when looking at Su Yutong, Si Ming was still a little guilty. He really wanted Su Yutong to reduce his workload, but looking at the current situation, he seemed to have been discovered.

"Since Yuhua has come back, I will not be in charge of those who deviate from their fate in the future, so these things should not be sent over in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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