Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 431 You're jealous of other women!

Chapter 431 You're jealous of other women!

"Okay, I promise you, can you get up now?"

Su Yutong actually saw that this Xing'er was not a good person, otherwise why would he force her to agree to her conditions in public?
However, if Xing'er can make trouble for Yuhua, Su Yutong is still very willing to help her.

Seeing that Su Yutong agreed, Xing'er immediately stood up, and the expression on her face quickly changed from pity to joy.

"That fairy, let's take a step to talk."

Then Xing'er took Su Yutong to a place with few people.

"Fairy, I know that because I look somewhat similar to a fairy, that's why Shangxian Yuhua fell in love with me when I was in the lower realm.

I want to ask the fairy to let me learn from you, your posture and way of speaking, and then let me pretend to be you to get along with Yuhua. As long as I can be with Yuhua, I don't mind if he treats me as you. "

When Xing'er said this, her eyes were full of greed.

And Su Yutong immediately wanted to reject her after hearing what she said. For a greedy person like Xing'er, if she really agreed to let her go.

Then maybe after knowing her identity, Xing'er wants something that Xiao Xiang doesn't belong to her.

And if Xing'er pretends to be her, maybe Xing'er will go out and ruin her reputation. Although Su Yutong doesn't care much about these things, if someone else caused her reputation to be ruined, then she will mind.

But seeing Xing'er being so difficult, Su Yutong suddenly had another idea, she pointed at Xing'er, and Xing'er immediately became exactly like her.

"I will only help you this time. This illusion can only last for one hour. I will send you to Yuhua now. As for whether you can seize this opportunity, then don't care about my business."

Xing'er wanted to say something else, but Su Yutong took her one step ahead and sent her to Yuhua's door.

Then a water mirror appeared in front of Su Yutong, and the picture on it was exactly where Xing'er was at the moment.

Just when Su Yutong sat down to watch the play, he was hugged from behind.

"Although Yuhua can be counted in this way, as a husband, I will be jealous."

"You are jealous of other women!"

Su Yutong pinched Xuan Chen's face as soon as she turned around, and at the same time, the expression on her face was also very angry.

Seeing that Su Yutong was suddenly angry, Xuan Chen still couldn't figure out what was going on.

"For my husband, I only eat the jealousy of my wife. Where can I find other women?"

"It's not me who went to find Yuhua, Xing'er. If you say you're jealous, isn't that just eating her?"

Having said that, Su Yutong felt even angrier, if it wasn't for Xuanchen's face that really suits her wishes, she really wanted to give Xuanchen a big mouth.

"The meaning of being a husband is that she wears the appearance of his wife, and Yuhua will only think that it is you who went to find him, so being a husband is jealous."

Knowing why Su Yutong was angry, Xuanchen immediately explained to Su Yutong that he didn't want to be unable to sleep tonight.

Only then did Su Yutong let go of the hand pinching Xuanchen's face, and then looked at the water mirror beside him.

"You don't have to worry about this. When Yuhua is recruited, I will transform Xing'er back. Wouldn't it be more interesting?"

In fact, the illusion that Su Yutong used for Xinger didn't expire after an hour, but Su Yutong could cancel it whenever Su Yutong wanted.

She just wanted to wait for Yuhua to take the bait, and then release the illusion, so that she could leave a greater psychological shadow on Yuhua.

"Really interesting."

Xuan Chen also nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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