Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 448 This Xing'er Really Has No Kindness

Chapter 448 This Xing'er Really Has No Kindness
After Xing'er finished speaking, she left in a panic.

Su Yutong looked at Xing'er's panicked back, thinking deeply.

There is something wrong with this Xing'er at first glance, otherwise why would she run over for no reason to check her presence and then leave?
After Xing'er left in a panic, she came to a remote place once. She took a look and found that there was no one around, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"How are things going?"

At this time, Lan Hao suddenly appeared behind Xing'er, and Xinger was startled, and only after finding out that it was Lan Hao did she let go of her worries.

"I can't get close to her, how can I get things done?"

Xing'er's tone was still a little annoyed, thinking that she was actually frightened by Su Yutong just now, she felt a little annoyed.

And Lan Hao looked at Xing'er with some sarcasm.

"It seems that you don't really want to be with Yuhua."

"Who said that? I really want it!"

As soon as Yuhua was mentioned, Xing'er became a little excited, and her voice couldn't help becoming louder.

"In that case, why were you scared just now? I taught you to imitate her these few days, but you imitate her very well. Why did you feel timid when you saw her just now?"

After Lan Hao finished speaking, a trace of panic flashed in Xing'er's eyes, followed by anger.

"Who said I was afraid? It's just that the timing was not ripe just now. If she disappeared in public, wouldn't it be very suspicious.

What's more, at that time the main hall was full of powerful figures, do you want me to die? "

When Xing'er said this, she couldn't help complaining about Lan Huo in her heart, but at the same time she felt a little lucky, fortunately she was cowarded at the time, otherwise she might have been caught.

"The two of us are grasshoppers on the same rope now. Am I going to let you go to die? I just wanted you to practice your courage. Otherwise, when the plan is implemented, you don't want to be ruined right away. "

Lan Yu was indeed not that stupid, if Xing'er had really done something to Su Yutong in public, then Xing'er would definitely be caught by Xuan Chen.

With Xing'er's temperament, she will definitely be the first to confess her when the time comes. She doesn't want to be found out before the plan is implemented.

"You're playing tricks on me!"

When Xing'er heard what Lan Hao said, a trace of anger flashed across her face, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and approached Lan Hao with a smile.

"I heard that Su Yutong is the wife of Shangshen. You said that after our plan is completed, I will pretend to be her to approach Shangshen. If this is the case, no one will dare to provoke me in this fairy world?"

As soon as Xing'er finished speaking, Lan Hao grabbed Xing'er's neck, and at the same time, his eyes were full of anger.

"Let me tell you, don't think about people who don't belong to you, otherwise I will make your life worse than death."

When Xing'er could hardly breathe, Lan Huo let her go, and Xing'er was thrown heavily to the ground by Lan Huo.

"You have to recognize your identity, I will make it easy for you to disappear in this fairy world."

Lan Hao turned around and left after saying this, while Xing'er lay on the ground panting heavily.

At the same time, there was also a panic expression on her face, it was not until a while before Xing'er got up from the ground, and after looking left and right, she left Bixiao Pavilion.

Su Yutong came out from behind the tree only after the two of them left, it seemed that Xing'er had no good intentions.

As for Lan Yu, Su Yutong thought she was planning to give up, but she didn't expect that she would secretly plan behind her back.

(End of this chapter)

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