Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 455 Tongtong's Primordial Spirit Is Missing

Chapter 455 Tongtong's Primordial Spirit Is Missing
Xing'er is not stupid, looking at the unconscious Su Yutong in Xuan Chen's arms, she knew that this matter must be serious.

But she really didn't know what had happened, she hadn't become Yuhua's wife yet, she hadn't obtained the glory and wealth, Xing'er didn't want to be wronged like this.

"Nothing to do with you?"

Xuan Chen asked Xing'er in a very cold tone, but Xing'er thought that Xuan Chen believed what she said, so she hurried to Xuan Chen, showing a pitiful expression.

"That's right, God, it really has nothing to do with Xing'er."

Xing'er couldn't help imitating Su Yutong's movements and tone, and at the same time wondered if Xuan Chen treated her differently from other women because she looked similar to Su Yutong.

As soon as this thought came up, Xing'er couldn't help being surprised. She even hoped that Su Yutong wouldn't wake up, so that she could become Mrs. Shangshen.

And when Xing'er was still immersed in fantasy, Xuan Chen's cold voice reached his ears.

"Don't imitate her, or I won't be able to resist letting you disappear right now."

After finishing speaking, Xuanchen hugged Su Yutong and prepared to leave. When he passed by Xingze, Xuanchen left another sentence.

"Eliminate her immortal status, send her back to the underworld, and send her to the eighteenth floor of hell."

After hearing what Xuan Chen said, Myolie was paralyzed to the ground, with a desperate expression on her face.

She thought she would come to the fairy world to enjoy the glory and wealth, but she didn't expect that she would return to the underworld so soon and be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell.

She admitted that she wanted to harm Su Yutong, but right now she was wronged without doing anything, Xing'er felt very unwilling.

Just when she was about to explain again, Xing'er suddenly heard Xing Ze say something.

"Let's knock it out."

Immediately afterwards, Xing'er was beaten unconscious, and then dragged away by the guards.

After Xuan Chen carried Su Yutong back to the Hall of Picking Stars, the expression on his face was also tense with frowning.

"Xuanchen, why hasn't Xiao Shushu woke up yet?"

Today, Yuehe happened to be pestered by Li Yan'er to find Su Yutong, but as soon as he arrived at the Hall of Picking Stars, he saw Xuan Chen hugging the unconscious Su Yutong and preparing to go in.

So Yuehe immediately followed Xuanchen, the sky had already darkened, but Su Yutong showed no sign of waking up.

"Tongtong's primordial spirit is gone."

When Xuan Chen said this, his brows frowned even tighter.

"So that Xing'er united with the monster and wants to exchange bodies with Xiao Shushu, so that he can get close to Yuhua?"

What happened this afternoon, Xuanchen had already told Yuehe, but at that time Xuanchen didn't know what effect the formation had.

Now that Su Yutong's primordial spirit was missing, he instantly understood the function of that formation.

"When I brought Tongtong back, her primordial spirit was still there, but just now I couldn't feel her primordial spirit."

Another ray of white light appeared in Xuanchen's hand, and after the white light entered Su Yutong's body, Xuanchen still couldn't feel Su Yutong's primordial spirit.

"That thing shouldn't have been done by that Xingxian. During this period of time, you should take care of Tongtong's body."

After Xuanchen finished speaking, he injected a spiritual force into Su Yutong's body, and then he set up a few formations around Su Yutong without reassurance, and Xuanchen disappeared into the room after finishing these.

Seeing Xuan Chen being so cautious, Yue He couldn't help being a little sad.

Does Xuan Chen distrust him that much?Obviously he can be optimistic about Su Yutong, but Xuan Chen is still so worried.

Yuehe was a little sad and wanted to ask for comfort from his good disciple.

"My good boy, you say you are a teacher..."


Li Yan'er, who was sleepy at the moment, slapped Yuehe's face with a slap.

(End of this chapter)

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