Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 470 Can't help drawing Xuan Chen's erotic pictures again

Chapter 470 Can't help drawing Xuan Chen's erotic pictures again

Seeing that Yuhua finally couldn't bear to attack his rabbit, Su Yutong immediately protected the rabbit behind his back.

"This rabbit is mine, so don't try to make a fuss about it."

Seeing Su Yutong protecting the little rabbit so much, Yuhua couldn't help smiling.

"I'm asking you how to get this rabbit into the enchantment, not to get its idea."

"It ran in by itself. Since it entered my territory, it is mine."

Su Yutong is best at making up nonsense, so right now she is lying without drafting.

"Then this is a very powerful rabbit."

Yuhua said this pointingly, it seems that he didn't believe what Su Yutong said.

But Su Yutong didn't care if he believed it or not, as long as Yuhua didn't ask her any more.

"Today, I will help you catch game and put it in the back mountain, but you have to practice hard, otherwise I will eat up the game in the back mountain for you."

After Yuhua finished speaking, she disappeared in front of Su Yutong.

But his words successfully attracted Su Yutong's attention. Thinking that Yuhua wanted to grab food from her, Su Yutong felt extremely unbalanced.

So she immediately started to practice hard, and the stone that Yuhua put in this time was indeed much stronger than his formation.

As soon as Su Yutong started to absorb the spiritual energy, he felt a steady stream of spiritual energy rushing towards him.

Gradually, Su Yutong began to fall into samadhi. When Su Yutong opened her eyes again, she found that it was already night, and her primordial spirit had come out at this moment.

Could this be the legendary practice of cultivating to the state of ecstasy?
Although Su Yutong felt a little tired, she was still very happy in her heart, because she could obviously feel that the aura in her body had increased a lot.

Thinking that she was discovered by Xuan Chen yesterday, Su Yutong began to hesitate, whether she should go to sleep with Xuan Chen tonight.

What should I do if I am discovered again?But if he didn't go, Su Yutong would miss Xuanchen a little bit.

In the end, after some struggles, Su Yutong still chose to go to Xuan Chen, after all, staying here with Yuhua made her feel insecure at all.

After going to the Palace of Picking Stars, Su Yutong first went to the Lingquan to take a bath, but she saw Xuanchen inside as soon as she entered.

At this moment, Su Yutong was standing there and couldn't move her eyes. She hadn't appreciated Xuanchen's figure for several days. Now that she was suddenly shown such an exciting scene, Su Yutong could hardly bear it.

So Su Yutong didn't even bother to take a shower, and rushed into the study room, impatiently picked up the pen, wanting to draw what she saw just now.

Su Yutong thought that what she drew this time would not be visible to others, so she boldly drew all the important parts of Xuanchen.

After finishing the painting, Su Yutong couldn't help showing a smirk at the painting, as expected of her man, she has a really good figure!
But soon Su Yutong thought of a very important question, why didn't she go up and touch two just now?
She should have come back to draw after touching it, anyway, it's the same at any time, so thinking about it, Su Yutong felt that she had suffered a huge loss.

As soon as Su Yutong put down her pen, she heard the sound of the door opening. When she looked up, she saw that the person who came in was indeed Xuan Chen.

Because Xuan Chen had just taken a shower, he was only wearing an undershirt with a loose neckline, revealing his delicate collarbone.

Seeing this, Su Yutong couldn't help thinking, the strawberry she planted on Xuanchen's collarbone last time, she really wanted to plant another one now, but she was afraid of being discovered, so Su Yutong gave up this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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