Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 505 Extra Story 2: How about... Let's try?

Chapter 505 Extra Story 2: How about... Let's try?
So when the elders proposed to return to Bixiao Pavilion tomorrow, Xingze agreed without any hesitation, but unexpectedly something happened that night.

As soon as Xingze returned to the room, he saw Granny Meng concentrating on a book in the room, so he moved over curiously.

But when he saw the contents of the book, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Xingze's face.

I saw that what Po Meng was looking at was a book of erotic pictures, and the pictures on it were very exciting.

Although Xingze has also seen this kind of thing, but this lonely man and widow are alone in the room, and there is another person looking at the erotic pictures, this scene is really a bit embarrassing.

"How did you come?"

After Meng Po discovered Xingze, she immediately put the erotic pictures into her sleeves with a guilty conscience, and at the same time, the expression on her face was still somewhat unnatural.

"I... I'm coming back to sleep."

Xingze glanced at the sky, it was completely dark at this moment, but Xingze felt a little scared in his heart.

He broke through such an embarrassing scene, Po Meng wouldn't kick him out tonight, would she?

Granny Meng responded softly, and then the air suddenly became a little quiet.

"What, it's better for girls to watch less of these things."

Under the shroud of embarrassing atmosphere, Xingze said such a sentence unconsciously, but after he finished speaking, he regretted it.

He couldn't wait to slap himself twice, he really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to lift.

Sure enough, as soon as Xingze finished speaking, Po Meng's face changed, and she suddenly got up and grabbed Xingze's skirt.

"I don't study and study, how can I sleep with you?"

Xing Ze who asked Po Meng's question immediately didn't know what to say, and Po Meng was probably about to break the jar.

She dragged Xingze to the bedside, and then pushed Xingze down on the bed. Seeing Po Meng's posture, Xingze's heart beat faster.

Could it be that he is really going to lose his innocence today?
Unexpectedly, after Po Meng pushed him down, she pushed him in again, and Po Meng also came to the bed immediately after.

Then, under Xingze's puzzled eyes, Granny Meng took out the erotic book again.

"It seems that you don't know how to do it, why don't we study together."

Speaking of which, Po Meng opened the book, and before Xingze could react, she turned Xingze's head to Erotica.

Po Meng watched with great interest, but Xingze couldn't focus on the erotic pictures at all.

There was still a vague body fragrance coming from the tip of his nose, and Xingze, who was provocative, felt itchy in his heart. He occasionally caught a glimpse of a picture in the book, and suddenly a hot feeling surged up.

Then Xingze couldn't help but focus on Po Meng. It seemed that Po Meng was a bit fierce, but she actually looked exactly as Xingze wanted.

"What do you see me doing? Reading!"

As soon as some ripples appeared in Xingze's heart, Po Meng's somewhat fierce voice came over.

Xingze immediately turned his eyes to the book with a guilty conscience, but his heart was extremely restless, and even his face felt a little hot.

"How about... let's try?"

Xingze said this sentence unconsciously when his mind was hot, and the air suddenly became quiet after he finished speaking.

Xingze was also extremely embarrassed, why couldn't he control his mouth these days?

Just when he was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, Granny Meng suddenly grabbed his shoulders.

"Do you know?"

"If you don't try, how will you know if I will?"

Hearing that Po Meng questioned him, Xingze was eager to prove his ability.

(End of this chapter)

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