Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 512 Extra Story 3: Master, why are you having a nosebleed again?

Chapter 512 Extra Story 3: Master, why are you having a nosebleed again?
Now that Li Yaner has grown up, it is not suitable to sleep with Yuehe, so Yuehe prepared a separate room for Li Yaner.

But Li Yan'er didn't seem to like it, she had never slept alone, so after Yuehe told her about it, Li Yan'er immediately refused.

Finally, after Yuehe's tongue-in-cheek, Li Yan'er finally reluctantly agreed to sleep alone, after Yuehe sent Li Yan'er back to the room.

Lying on the bed, she couldn't fall asleep for a long time, Li Yan'er usually likes to kick the quilt, I don't know if she will kick the quilt when she sleeps alone today.

In the end, Yuehe got up helplessly to see Li Yan'er, but he just opened the door and found Li Yan'er standing outside his door.

"Good boy?"

"Master, I can't sleep alone."

After Li Yan'er finished speaking, she walked straight into Yuehe's room, then climbed onto Yuehe's bed very skillfully, and then closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Yuehe felt very helpless, looking at Li Yan'er on the bed, he felt powerless again.

But it's obviously not suitable to wake up Li Yan'er now, otherwise when Li Yan'er loses her temper, Yuehe herself will suffer.

So Yuehe had no choice but to give in, and also lifted the quilt to go to bed, and he swore in his heart, just let Li Yaner sleep with him for one night, and let her sleep by herself tomorrow.

The next morning, Yuehe was still awakened by the pressure, and seeing Li Yan'er sleeping on top of him again, he felt even more helpless.

In the past when Li Yan'er was young, he could quietly move Li Yan'er away, but now that Li Yan'er has grown up, he is afraid of waking Li Yan'er up.

So he was like yesterday again, he could only lie on the bed and wait for Li Yan'er to wake up by herself.

Finally, when it was almost noon, Li Yan'er woke up slowly, and was relieved to see the moon.


"Master, I'm going to cook for you now."

Li Yan'er looked at Yue He with innocent eyes, and couldn't help her heartbeat speeding up, and she couldn't help becoming a little parched.

When he came back to his senses, he immediately got up and got out of bed to cook for Li Yan'er.

But when Yuehe brought the food into the room, he found that Li Yan'er was still lying on the bed.

"Hey boy, why don't you get up yet?"

"I won't wear it."

As soon as Li Yan'er finished speaking, she sat up from the bed, and saw that her clothes were messed up by her at the moment, and a large piece of smooth skin was presented in front of Yue He's eyes, Yue He was stunned on the spot.

"Master, why are you having a nosebleed again?"

It wasn't until Li Yan'er said this that Yue He came back to his senses, and he immediately wiped his nosebleed.

Then he walked in front of Li Yan'er, and silently closed Li Yan'er's loose skirt.

"My good boy, you have to remember that as a girl, you can't make yourself disheveled in front of men."

After Yue He finished speaking, Li Yan'er looked at Yue He as if thinking about something.

"What about in front of Master? Can Master be considered a man?"

Yuehe: "..."

He is pure man!

"Being a teacher is naturally counted, but being a teacher is your master, so it's a different matter. In short, in the future, you must not get disheveled in front of men other than your teacher, and don't go too far with men other than your teacher. close."


Li Yan'er nodded with a half understanding.

And Yuehe is very satisfied seeing this, it is very dangerous outside now, he did this to protect his good disciple.

He is really a good teacher with a good heart!
(End of this chapter)

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