Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 526 Extra Story 3: Beautiful "picture book"

Chapter 526 Extra Story 3: Beautiful "picture book"

"Master! Look what this is!"

Yue He was lying under the Marriage Tree, dozing leisurely with his eyes squinted, while Li Yan'er ran over from not far away and threw herself into Yue He's arms.

Yue He suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time, the expression on his face was both painful and helpless.

After taking Li Yan'er into his arms, Yue He found that Li Yan'er was holding a bouquet of flowers.

"My dear student, is this going to be given to my teacher?"

Speaking of Yuehe, she was about to reach out to take the bouquet of flowers, but Li Yan'er refused to give it to Yuehe.

"No, I just want to show Master."

After hearing Li Yan'er finished speaking, Yue He's expression became a little hurt.

"Does the good student not like being a teacher? Why isn't this bouquet of flowers given to the teacher?"

"Master is really shameless. As a man, he still likes things from girls' homes."

After Li Yan'er finished speaking, she made a contemptuous expression towards Yue He.

Yue He immediately felt that he had been hurt, and he patted Li Yan'er's head helplessly.

"My teacher only likes things from Yan'er, as long as they are given by Yan'er, no matter whether they are suitable for men or not, I like them all."

Having said that, Li Yan'er was stunned, she stared at Yue He Weiwei in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yan'er took the initiative to move closer to Yue He, and kissed Yue He, and Yue He also hugged Li Yan'er's waist to deepen the kiss.

Since Yuehe failed to drive Li Yan'er to sleep by herself last time, and also knew that she had already been tempted by Li Yan'er, Yuehe planned to take a step forward.

At the same time, Yuehe was secretly happy, maybe he could really escape the punishment of heaven, after all, after so long, nothing happened.

Maybe the way of heaven made him and Li Yan'er, two people who would not have a marriage relationship at all, create a marriage line, just to give them a break.

At this moment, Yue He suddenly felt a pain on his lips, looked down and saw Li Yan'er looking at him with some displeasure.

"What is Master thinking?"

"I'm thinking about my good boy."

Yue He wanted to get in front of Li Yan'er and kiss Li Yan'er again, but Li Yan'er pushed Yue He away in disgust.

"Master knows how to talk sweetly."

"Who taught you this sentence?"

Yuehe remembered that Li Yan'er didn't know so much before, why did she suddenly understand so many things recently?

"It was written in the drawing book my mother gave me."

Yuehe: "..."

Little Shushu actually took advantage of his inattention to teach his good apprentice bad!

"By the way, Master, Yan'er found several beautiful picture books in Master's room a few days ago, and Yan'er has already read them all. I wonder if Master still has them?"

When Yue He was thinking that Li Yan'er should not be allowed to look at these messy things again, Li Yan'er suddenly said this, and stared at Yue He with her shining eyes after she finished speaking.

Yuehe suddenly became a little confused, picture book?He couldn't remember what album he had bought.

"What is the album like?"

As soon as Yue He finished speaking, Li Yan'er broke away from Yue He's embrace, and then ran towards the house.

"I'll show it to Master!"

Looking at Li Yan'er's excited back, Yuehe couldn't help showing a smile.

However, when Li Yan'er brought the picture album in front of Yuehe, he couldn't laugh at all. What Li Yan'er was talking about was the picture album, it was clearly the erotic pictures he secretly bought before!

He remembered that he hid them very secretly, how did Li Yan'er find them out?
And after Li Yan'er put all those erotic pictures in Yuehe's hands, she started staring at Yuehe again, which made Yuehe feel guilty for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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