Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1005 What Do You Want From Me?

Chapter 1005 What Do You Want From Me?

After all, everything overturned his imagination. He originally thought that he had really made up his mind to make up with himself, but he never thought that one day he would say such words to himself, as if he had lost half of his experience for no reason. It ate him, so he couldn't react at all, and even felt a little abrupt. He just felt that the shocking things he said were too shocking. He didn't think that something would happen like this. Let him now 1 Not prepared at all, just looking at him like this, like the end of the world is halfway, unable to react at all.

What he said just now was clearly telling her that even though he is unemployed at this time, he still has feelings for him, but now he is questioning him and wants to restore his feelings, but after all, all this is for him. It was too easy, he didn't believe that everything just happened like this, without any warning, it just appeared in front of him without warning, and he always felt like he was haunted by ghosts. Can't do right or wrong.

How is it possible, that patient thought about him back then, and said so many cold and affectionate words to him, how could it be possible to say these words to him now, he seems to be arguing over this one The same, I can’t believe it will be the truth, but after all, no one told him the real truth, so what should it be like, he can only passively watch all of this, silently bear, silently accept, But in the end, I was telling myself for a while in my heart that it shouldn't be like this, and the relationship between them shouldn't have developed like that from the very beginning.

What a beautiful campus love in the past, everyone knows that they all know their legendary stories, you know how sweet their relationship was during the campus period, but now everything has developed to such a point that no one can guess What is the reason?
What should I do?This world seems to have lost an opponent. He was immersed in one place, lost the strength to move forward, and lost the countermeasures to move backward. They are all trapped here, and no one knows whose. The approach is correct, but after all, what else can they do now, they have reached this point, what else can they do besides facing and accepting the facts and bearing all the pain and solving all the problems?

"What do you mean by saying Fangfang to me now? You just continue to think about what I should do? At first I tried my best, no matter how sad I was, according to your rich work, but why now I According to what you said, Lord, none of my works are from Weikang. I have already said that I have broken the relationship with you. Don't let me go, but you blame me instead, I did things according to your instructions, how do you want me to leave, I really can't figure it out?"

At this moment, he couldn't restrain his emotions after all, and his eyes turned red. He never thought that one day he would come to such a point where he would be toyed with by a person between applause, but in the end he sank into it, I even think that it's good to live like this, and it's good to spend my desolate life like this, and it's not a bad choice to just give up on myself like this.

He was not like this in middle school, but now he continues to develop. What made him become so insane? He thought about it and thought about it, racking his brains, and finally decided whether it was as early as last night. , when he gave up on him, did he also give up on himself?He gave up his desire to continue to struggle, gave up all his dreams that he wanted to persevere, and on the day he gave up on him, he also gave up all his persistence and all his strength and belief.

The man originally thought that I would return to his heart and wanted to have a good chat with him, but he didn't expect it. In the end, he felt that he had said such a thing. He expressed his true emotions, but at this moment, as the perpetrator, the child in his eyes in this relationship, he shed tears when he thought about it, and his eyes were not enough red. He really didn't understand, what is this? It's why everything is so frivolous to his imagination, and it's not the same as everything he planned in his imagination is turned upside down.

I probably felt a little uncomfortable in my heart, maybe it was also a feeling of guilt or guilt, but I really felt too much in my heart. I gently touched his shoulder and said that I wanted to get closer to him, and said something to him, so that He doesn't want to suffer so much anymore, but he still can't do it. He looked at his red eyes when his big hand was about to touch his shoulder, but he still stopped after all. Some of them seemed to not know how to follow The way he speaks.

"Probably this is true, right? Whether you believe it or not, everything is true, whether you believe it or not. I have told you the true feelings I once had, and what you think in the end is up to you I'm just trying my best to do what I should do, and what you think in the end is also your business, but what I want to say is, don't let him have a chance for the things that have been missed. Come back again, after all, coming back may not be what you wanted at the beginning, so if this is the case, then let him go, don't dwell on the past anymore, because the past things can't come back. "

They all endured all the emotions and showed their most natural and proud side.But because his current emotions cannot escape his eyes, he is very sad, this is a fact.No one can understand or deny his feelings for him, this is the most real and fundamental thing, and it will develop like this now or in the future.

After saying this, she turned around and was about to leave, but for some reason, he felt as if something in his heart was gradually becoming respectful and unrestrained, as if he was about to completely leave half of his own world, At this moment, I was also touched in his heart. He hesitated, but I walked away after all, thinking that he didn't have any hesitation.

In the next second, Zhou Xu also followed, and number 2 grabbed his arm from behind to prevent him from going any further. He stared at him closely, as if he was finally trying to get rid of his inner emotions. I told him half of it, so sincere and decisive, without any hesitation.

"I have something to tell you!"

He finally said decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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