Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1007 Give me another chance, okay?

Chapter 1007 Give me another chance, okay?

What he said was very precise, but the man admitted his mistake after hearing his words. He never thought that one day he would say such indifferent words, that is, there had never been such care and love between the two of them, like Is there no need for them to live together from the beginning to the end? At this moment, after all, he lost all countermeasures. Being controlled by him here, the whole person seems to have lost the energy to continue going down, but what should be done after all? , What should be done from now on to avoid this situation, he has been completely lost, and there is no way to lose his whole body and be trapped here.

"Why can't you give me a chance, everyone will do it, you have it and I have it, everyone will have it, why now you just refuse to give me a story to explain, before the previous chance, in the past You also made mistakes, this is inevitable, and I must have forgiven you at that time, why not now? Let’s think about it differently, you have your thoughts, I also have mine, between us Forbear each other a little bit, be tolerant to each other, can't you get a great joyful situation? You must not be happy in this situation now, I just want to do my best in the end, who are we I didn’t do this thing, so now I don’t exist. I’m sorry, you know who said this, so just give me a chance, okay?”

He looked at him deeply, and said this sentence word by word. At this moment, he was completely persecuted and had no way out. He just looked at the man in front of him, but his eyes unconsciously Slowly turning red, he doesn't know why, he still keeps pestering himself, knowing that he was the one who said those sloppy words and did the most decisive things in the past, why can he forget all of this now Jing, questioning him like a victim to attack him, but after all, how did he ever do something wrong? Why is he forced to go to this point now? Can no one tell him the reason?He was really tired, when he was pushed forward and forced to accept all these things, no one stood by his side, he took it all by himself, why didn't he now Can you think about the injury he suffered at that time?

Now that everything and all the damage have been done, why should he come here and tell him to let him forget the past and give him another chance?Is this really fair to him?Does he really think that everything he does is for his own good?He was really puzzled, and even felt ironic in his heart.

There is a feeling of rupture in his heart, which makes him unable to live any longer. He just thinks that if this matter goes back to the past, it will definitely not be the result now, but now that it has reached such a point, there will be Who has the ability to work hard to completely let go of this matter.

"This is your own business, your thoughts are your thoughts, I will never impose my thoughts on you, I hope you can do the same thing, no one is sorry between us Who, you know this very well, not to mention that we have all done things that make each other sad and disappointed, haven't we? In my opinion, there is a tie between the two of us, and no one can talk about it. I am completely right and wrong, but now it is my own personal right to choose to stay or leave. You just can’t understand me no longer pestering you. If I am still pestering you, I believe you must You will kick me away as cruelly and heartlessly as before, and expel me from your world. These are more or less likely to happen. Now that you have lost your memory, it is normal for you not to remember me, but I have not lost my memory. I put I remember everything about you clearly, what kind of person you are, I can remember clearly even with my eyes closed."

Speaking of this, his tears flowed down, and his heart was a bit bitter after all, and it was brought together with those sad feelings, which made him feel unbearably sad. He never thought that he would have such a bloody relationship. Now he has no way to go on in his life, but he has no way to wake himself up after all.

When I know a person so well, I am so familiar with a person, it is like the father and son of that person, but in the end he bites back and breaks my heart, this is the most painful thing in the world for him The most chilling thing is that no one will stand by his side after all, no one thinks he is pitiful, no one thinks he can need help, and no one thinks he needs some assistance, yes, they I just want to see him laughing.

"I couldn't extricate myself from this incident at the time. I was really tired. My life shouldn't be like this. I have everything I need that I have planned. I also have my own goals and my initial beautiful dreams. But in the end, everything about me was ruined by you. I don’t know how you want me to go on now, but how to go now, I have completely lost my direction and right or wrong. There is no relationship between the two of us. The right way, we can continue to hold each other and stay with each other.”

He said this sentence to him with red eyes, this sentence, at the moment of his growth, after all, he chopped off his hand and turned around to leave, and he could still see it. After all, his back was tense in his heart. He didn't want him to leave him after he rushed forward to save him, but after all, he left with a decisive pace, leaving no time for him to react. The world that broke him left a shadow behind him, made him lose his countermeasures, there was no room for recovery, and generally made his heart completely flustered.

In the next second, before even he himself could react, he rushed up and hugged his back tightly so that he could no longer break free. He lowered his head and buried himself in his tight Clenched tightly, with a bit of pain and helplessness in his tone.

"Then you can take pity on me, okay? You don't know how painful I have been during this period of time. I miss you every day. No one knows how long I have waited for this day. It is so difficult for me to see you again, every day I even dream of reconciling with you, I don’t want to tell you, I really know I was wrong, give me another chance, I will never will disappoint you."

(End of this chapter)

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