Chapter 1009

After all, he was about to turn around and the two of them left. He uttered these words in a flash, which shocked him. He never thought that he would say such words. He had already guessed to the end. I will deal with him in this dream, but what can I do now, there is no reason for them to continue to move forward, and now no one can say that they are innocent on this road, and they are detained in this No one in the local area can shirk their responsibilities, so now they can only let themselves calm down and talk about their feelings, right?
But in the end, he never thought of a day.He would just say this about it, let him come out and let him get into an argument without rectifying religion at all, just looking at him so roughly, not thinking about the thing he concealed at all, he thought they were all derailed, I don't think it will be dug out after waking up.

There are 5 pens steamed down the well, and the life at this moment is written without talking about so many things. I just hope that these things will calm down like this, and don’t come back in the future. His mood is very complicated, and he doesn’t know what to do. Walking is the right path, but now everything is impossible to develop anymore.

"So you already know, so why didn't you tell me earlier? I always thought you didn't know and I planned to keep it from you for the rest of my life. I never want you to know about this, but why do you want to know? The two of us just be a stranger, never have any involvement, okay? I don’t understand why you must let me end up in a corner, push me to the road of despair, and let me pursue and move forward, don’t feel miserable, Do you think this is really fair to me?"

His eyes were slightly flushed, he never thought that one day he would tell this matter like that, and then he said something that shocked him so much, he never thought that he had cheated the world, except himself and his mother , no one will know, but now this matter still makes him stunned.

He rebounded from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't even continue to persevere. He can only continue to move forward and let this matter be calmed down. How should he go in the future? He has no countermeasures, so now he can continue. persevere.

"In the end, I didn't think that everything was really as I imagined. You were pregnant with my child, but you kept it a secret. You refused to tell me. You know what it feels like ?"

Sighing, the corners of his lips curled up, as if mocking and powerless, he looked at him, and finally said with a smile. "We clearly felt that there was a relationship between the two of us, but you refused to tell me, and when I found out in the end, why did you blame me for not telling you about it? It is clear that you should not lie to me from the very beginning, and put everything Tell me everything, so there won’t be so many things happening in the future. I haven’t accused you all this time, because I want to give you a little step back and give you a step down, but now you push all your mistakes When it comes to me, I don't understand, is there really such a bad relationship between us?"

Qiao Qiancen frowned slightly, he didn't expect that he would tell all the things, he had already argued about this one, you feel the blood in the heart of the man in front of you and don't know what to do, from it He didn't know how to go.But now all these things have made it impossible for him to continue to find a complete escape route. They are forced to stay in this place, and it is wrong to go anywhere. If they choose half, what should he think, what should he do? He couldn't think of how to get everything perfectly resolved.

"Aren't you just blaming me too?"

I always feel that he smiled and looked at the man in front of him, said this sentence, saying that he did not expect that one day he would say such a sentence, even if it is true that what he said is true, but his starting point for this matter itself is wrong He only set the pattern of all things on those things that deceived him, but he didn't see that before, before he was frustrated, he was doing something for something, and now he just took things out of context, and he let him Embarrassed?

"You're right, if I said this to you when you were frustrated, things wouldn't develop like this, but if I'm telling you the truth, let me guess for you How did it develop? At that time, I was experiencing cyber violence, and your mother was also persecuting me, you know? I felt like I went outside and the whole sky was dark. Do you know how hopeless life is? Later It was you who appeared in front of me, and it was you who took the initiative to pester me and let me see some hope for life, so I came up with such thoughts, thinker, will you no longer remember one day Those things, and then willing to start over with me, then this is also a good ending, so I was deceiving myself alone, but in the end I didn’t expect that it would end like that, you still remembered it after all, and you still left it behind , I went straight away, you retreated me from the West Lake alone into the darkness and abyss, you made me unable to go, desperate, and finally threatened me in turn, and forced me to the end of despair, is it true that there is One day you want me to die in front of you, so that you can feel satisfied and let me go?"

After all, he is not willing to argue with others about these things, but at this moment he just let him have nowhere to go, he forced him to the point of despair, but still didn't let him find a way to escape, did he want him to die?He has pushed him to such an extent that he can no longer struggle. Does he really think this is fair for him?

At this moment, he really wanted to question him, but his voice had become choked up. He didn't expect that one day this matter would become so low. In the past, he lost his countermeasures, lost the idea and confidence to go on. After all, what they did was a mistake at the beginning. If they didn't have the initial love and trust, they wouldn't be where they are today.

Silently suppressing the emotions in his heart, he didn't say anything anymore, just nodded and let him continue talking. For her at this moment, it seemed that it didn't matter whether it was true or not.

It was very clear in my heart, and I even understood that it was impossible to let this matter go back to the past.What should they do?How far is he going to force her?

(End of this chapter)

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