Chapter 1033

Can't see through his arrogance.I said from it that in the end, what others want to think of him, what kind of opinions they have about him, he will not take anything to heart, because his heart is strong enough, and he knows what kind of things he really pursues , and those so-called external factors are not any small things about him at all in his eyes.

His attention, his eyes should be on the world he cares about, where there is energy to take care of other things, so the most important thing in his eyes is his own things, other things and those so-called The public opinion and pressure are now pressing on him, and they can't cause any harm to him.

This is the naive fact, and he has no intention of denying it on the plane, so it doesn't matter if anyone wants to think about him or guess what kind of person he is, anyway, he is here Don't think about it here, how you guess, how uncertain, how you want to guess, doubts, he will not take it to the bottom of my heart.

After all, when I saw him, people felt different and unacceptable, but after all, this is the most essential thing. He doesn't need anyone to be prejudiced against him, or only praise him. He knows very well in his heart that he is What kind of life did you think about.

"After all, I never thought that one day you would treat me with such a cold attitude. I thought you would give me a leeway, and would give me a decision to choose and regret, but I didn't expect you to have such an attitude. icy cold."

After all, it was a helpless distraction and publicity, directly intruding on the bridge insignificantly on the table, as if it was just a random movement, but it has completely exposed his tactful mood and complicated emotions at the moment.

After all, he felt that he couldn't accept it in his heart. Now that he has become such an attitude, he can't react. Some of him seem to have been completely disappointed in him, and there is no room for tact.

"What do you want to do? Do you think I was the one who came up to the society in the past, or that people hurt me? In fact, you have lost your heart in this matter. I have always been the most hurt victim. But At this moment, you are still asking me to forgive, to learn to act as if nothing happened, but have you ever considered my feelings? If you always stand by my side and think about me for a little bit, you will never do it again This way of persuading me. Really."

He said indifferently, but at this moment, there were slight tears in his eyes and let him go. In fact, he knew this matter better than anyone else, but now he was frustrated, he didn't remember anything, and he was better than anyone else. No one remembers this incident, and after all, he is the person most involved in this incident. Now he has forgotten this incident, faded that memory, and he is the only one left here to bear the burden. For all the sorrow and pain, no one told him how long the road ahead is, and which direction he can go. He can only stumble forward like a child who has just learned to walk, not knowing where is the real direction. .

But all these people persuaded him to go back, saying that it might be different after going through it again.

But he doesn't know that such words are a deeper blow to him. He has already experienced those painful feelings once, so why let him experience it again? No one can accept it when it happens. Now Why should he persuade him as if he didn't care? Among the things that made him forget, nothing happened, and he was the only one who suffered in the end.

They have never experienced that kind of pain, the so-called feeling of being bullied by the Internet, being misunderstood and ridiculed by everyone, and being attacked by all powerful things in the outside world. He will never understand how much hatred he has in his heart. How scared to do it again.

Not everyone has the courage to start all over again, nor does it happen anytime, anywhere. Sometimes after experiencing it once, you will find that it is not so good to try again. He imagined that if he really died like this last time, If there is no chance of rebirth, will it be easier now, and you don't have to experience the pain of being hurt by him again? The answer should be yes.

If he really died like that back then, without leaving anything in this world, maybe he can still live happily in heaven now, instead of experiencing a kind of pain and sorrow again in the world.

But now everything is out of his control, God actually gave him a chance to live from scratch, he will not be so stupid as to send this life away for nothing, of course he must cherish this opportunity , Do your best in your life, but after experiencing this pain, don’t hand the same atmosphere in front of you again, so that you have a chance to do it all over again, will you really continue to make such a foolish choice?The answer is not necessarily. Some people may choose to continue once, but he definitely won't.

Because of the pain he has suffered, the ups and downs he has experienced, he has survived better than anyone else. No one understands how he has grown stronger along the way, so that he can make his heart less painful and confused.

"I said the wrong thing. It should have reminded you of unhappy things. I'm really sorry, but please believe me, I didn't mean it. If I don't ask about some things, I'm afraid I'll regret them all my life. And, that's why I couldn't help but say it, maybe it really hurt you, I'm sorry."

The man said with a guilty tone, and at this moment.Qiao Qiancen didn't seem to care at all, but shook his head indifferently, he didn't care what he wanted to say, and he didn't care whether those words would really hurt him, he seemed to have made it clear in his heart, what would he say, you guessed it What will be the final outcome, so he didn't take all these things in his heart at all, let alone how it would develop in the end.There are some things that should be thought clearly, and those that should be understood clearly will still be clear.

"It doesn't matter. After going through that kind of thing, I know in my heart what to do is right. I didn't know which direction to go in the past. I can still have some. Now that I know it, I will be cautious in my words and deeds. I will let anyone get hurt because of my things again, this is the only thing I can do, I have tried my best, if I still don’t get what I want, then I can only apologize.”

He laughed and said that he satirized himself all the time, he loved himself and blamed himself, but for some reason this man felt unprecedented heartache listening to his words.

(End of this chapter)

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