Chapter 1048

After all, it is sad for him like this, and he is helpless after all. He just wants to take him away, but forgets his own way.He doesn't care what other people think of him, so that everyone misunderstood what he showed in the end, because he is a strong and generous person, thinking that it doesn't matter how he hurts me, and finally forgets. He is just an ordinary person, so when he is hurt, he will also feel pain and sorrow, no one can tell him how to go, that's why he looks so lonely and pitiful now.

What is the right way to do it?No one has ever given him the answer, so it is the wrong way to go in any direction now, and it is not the way back, so no one can tell him the true and correct answer on how to go now.

"In the back of my heart, there is always a lone man telling me that he has been standing there for a long time, waiting for someone to come and save him, so that he doesn't have to be like that again, symbolically standing on a pile of straw Among them, he frightened everyone to come in the birds, but after all he waited for a long time, looking at every sky, from day to night, and then from night to day, but after all, he could not wait for the person who rescued him. Waiting there alone, with no words to tell him where to go. You know that feeling? It's really painful, like you've been abandoned by everyone you've ever said Same, as if you stay in this world, only you live alone, one generation, this is really really wonderful and painful. Wanting to numb your inner feelings is more terrifying than ever. Yes People always advise me to forget about him and don’t be so narrow-minded, but if they really try this feeling themselves, he will definitely not say that, so in fact, for those who persuade me to be generous, I have always been A person who loves and hates with generosity.”

The corners of his mouth slightly raised to the point of sarcasm, this man's serious mood has changed after all, he didn't expect him to say such a thing, maybe he said it to him as if he was talking to himself Generally speaking, but such words will eventually make him uneasy. I am afraid that he does not know how to explain to make him forgive, and I do not know which direction to go, which is the best way back, but now Wherever you go in this lonely world is the wrong direction, and nowhere is the real right choice.That's why now he looks at all of this with anxiety in his heart, and feels extra fear and panic from the bottom of his heart.

He told himself no less than five times in his heart that he must beg him well, ask for his consent and forgiveness, but for some reason, at this moment, he didn't even have the courage to say it, and looked at him like an arrogant man. Seeing that all of these are heading towards the serious direction of the evil forces, but he can't say a word or publish a word, he can only see that all of this is beyond his control, and when he comes to In the end, I couldn't even imagine going.

She cried and laughed. I wanted to say something to her, but this woman only had a few seat belts, so I said something to her. "Dear partner, see you again."

After saying this, he got out of the car directly, without any nostalgia and indifference, like a person without emotion. Generally, when this man looks at him, he feels lonely and lonely like never before. He really wants to I want to say something to him to stay, I have something to tell you, I want to explain so many things to you, I say an apology to you, but it will eventually hide in his throat, but it is like a stick in his throat , how can not tell.

After all, he couldn't even say the same farewell words as him. This one, he could really look at his back, and he couldn't say a word all the time. He was like a fool, more like a mute.All the words are blocked in the heartache, which makes him feel very painful, uncomfortable and depressed. I want to tell him that I didn't intend to hurt him like that, so that he can feel better in his heart, so that he won't live in the pain of being hurt by others. .But in the end, he was like a coward who couldn't say a word, couldn't express a word, and just watched him leave without saying a word, and his heart was shattered after all.

After watching him leave, he punched the steering wheel heavily. At this moment, he seemed to be angry with himself, and at the same time he seemed to be angry with him. He really hoped that he could tell himself that he was not at all. As long as he cares, he is actually willing to forgive him for wanting everything to develop to the middle, but he can't say a word from the beginning to the end, this way, that way makes him very painful and desperate.

"I'm sorry, I never thought of hurting you. I just want to maximize my own interests. I'm a businessman. From the beginning to the end, whether I'm broken in love or not, I must always be in my own interests. Priority, but when doing this, I always forget whether I will hurt those I love or hurt some innocent people, so I just go forward so stupidly, In the end, I finally got what I wanted, but lost my most important thing. I regretted it, felt pain, and blamed myself, but I couldn’t say anything. I was afraid that if I said it, you would Thinking that I just think so, in fact, it can be fine without me, if this is the case, I feel that I will die of heartbreak."

That said with a wry smile, after all, he said all the words in his heart. At this moment, he doesn't care what others think, and he doesn't care if everything will develop to the point where he doesn't want to develop. He After all, I was tired of talking, and the expert did not want to explain this moment again after saying a word. He watched everything in front of him turn to the dark side. He never said a word, knowing that all these things could not be controlled. , so he didn't want to control it anymore, but all the things were beyond his imagination after all, and he fell into the abyss with nothing to do, so I can deal with all these things rationally matter.

In the end, no one told him how to go forward. At this moment, after all, he smiled wildly, lit a cigarette, and took a deep drag.

(End of this chapter)

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