Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1051 Have You Ever Loved Me?

Chapter 1051 Have You Ever Loved Me?
There was a trace of tears under his eyes. He didn't want such a thing to be full of reality, but now that the reality was in front of him, even if he wanted to deny it or pretend he didn't care, it was impossible after all.

After all, he is someone who has truly loved, and wants to act as if it never happened, wants to ignore his eyes and his feelings for himself, how can he do it in the end, he is just a pathetic person from beginning to end, and he wants to win the last sliver Feelings and sympathy are all, but after all, such difficulties drove him into a bottomless abyss.

Wei Wei took a deep breath, she smiled, but there was a bit of sadness on her face.

"I know that I have never had any place in your heart. You never care what kind of person I am, and you don't care whether there is any possibility of development between the two of us. In your eyes, the two of us just don't know each other. Appropriate meaning, so no matter how much pain I suffer, no matter how painful I beg, you will not look at me more than once, I know this very well, I am very self-aware."

His voice was trembling, and his eyes were also trembling. Obviously, he should look into his eyes and express his emotions better by speaking these words, but at this moment he has never been able to do this, because he If you look into his eyes, you can't help but cry.

The man had already expected what he would say. At this moment, his heart was very complicated. He stared at the seagulls in the distance and the calm water.Just like in my heart, the last touch of gentleness seemed to be disrupted.

"Actually, if it is possible, everyone in this world can be with the person they love, will it be wonderful? This question has surrounded me for a long time, and I have always wanted to know, but the more mature I get, the more I grow up. , I realized that I had such thoughts before, it was really ridiculous that the world is so big, there are so many people and so many things happen, why should the person you like just like you? So, I I can also tell you very bluntly, I also had a woman I liked, but in the end I had to separate due to various reasons, so that at this moment, she will never tolerate me again, his In his eyes, in his heart, and in his future plans, I have been completely excluded."

The smile on the corner of his mouth was a bit bitter, and at this moment, he dug out the pain in his heart to show him, and only hoped that he could understand his helplessness, understand that this world is so cruel, and there are not so many people who get what they want.

It was at this moment that the woman next to him obviously misunderstood what he meant. After hearing what he said, he looked very excited, and suddenly turned around and hugged his waist.

"It's not your fault, nor the world's fault. It's that woman's fault. She doesn't know how to cherish you. I'm different. I've always liked you. No matter what happens in the future, I will always regard you as the greatest." Put you first, do you know? I really love you, no one in this world loves you more than me, so don't look at those women, they really don't deserve your pain, only I, I am the one who deserves your love the most."

He hugged his waist with great strength, as if he wanted to vent his enthusiasm, but at this moment, the man frowned more and more when listening to his words.

She obviously misunderstood the meaning and meaning of his words. At this moment, he completely overturned what he said just now to his husband, which made him feel even more helpless and painful in his heart.Why is this world always so ruthless? This woman loves her so deeply, but there is nothing she can do about it. The woman who gives her any warmth and hope she loves just doesn't care about him. Execution has already excluded him. In addition to life, is this God's good fortune to trick people?
"Yu Tiantian, I know that you feel uncomfortable in your heart, and I also know what it feels like to be in love, but no matter how uncomfortable you are at this moment, I can only explain one thing to you, that is, the relationship between us. It is impossible to never hope to be together. I may have done some things in the past to make you tempted and make you think that we will be together. Hope, then can I apologize to you now? Sorry. From now on Just forget that I'm with another man again, the two of us are not suitable and I don't deserve your love like this, do you understand? Don't make yourself cheap for me. "

Fu Yanshen's voice hesitated, but he still told him the most ruthless words. At this moment, he certainly understood how cruel it was to persuade him like this, but in his opinion, if he didn't let him in time It is crueler for him to wake up, and now only by getting him out of all this as soon as possible, realizing that the two of them are not suitable and giving up completely, will he not suffer greater pain and sorrow in the future, but at this moment Yu Tiantian didn't seem to listen to him at all.

"Yan Shen, I understand what I understand, because it's just that I was blinded by that vixen now, and you think he is the best. It doesn't matter if you can't see such an outstanding and bright me now, there will always be one in the future." Opportunity, now we two work hard, move forward, don't let go of each other, don't say nothing, there will be time in the future to prove my sincerity to you, you just need to give me a little hope now, don't let go Just blow out my light."

Yu Tiantian said obsessively, the emotion in his eyes is very firm, it seems to him that there is such a way to tell his determination honestly and clearly, he can only show everything about himself to this man , to be able to show my sincere feelings for him.

After all, such things will only cause more headaches for men. He doesn't understand why he is so infatuated, but then he thinks again, if this happened to him, wouldn't he just do the same thing? thing?

After all, look back at the present.Qiao Qiancen didn't want to give him a chance, didn't he just desperately want to squeeze into his world, even though he was persuading him in every possible way, driving him out of his world in every possible way, he still wanted to Go forward, want to be close to him and become a part of his life.

Sighing slightly, he finally made up his mind, and the next second he raised his hand to put on his ring, hugged his own two hands, and struggled to break free, as if to show him invisible A moment of determination is average.

(End of this chapter)

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