Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1069 Because I Love You

Chapter 1069 Because I Love You

Scratching her hair with some annoyance, Qiao Qiancen just felt full of loneliness and didn't know how to describe this feeling, but now it seemed that she couldn't make a decision anymore.

The meaning of Fu Yanshen's words just now has been clearly expressed. If she refuses, or doesn't come, he will expose the matter between them and let everyone know...

She never thought that this man would reject him so cruelly, without any room for relaxation, which made her very distressed.

"Go crazy, Fu Yanshen! What are you thinking!"

Qiao Qiancen stood up angrily, looked at herself in the glasses, after all, she had no choice but to grab her hair at will and go out the door.She doesn't want Fu Yanshen to really do that, after all, now she just wants to use her works to speak, and she doesn't want anyone in the outside world to misunderstand her.

This is her own choice and decision.

When they arrived at the destination, the man had already arrived. This was the bank of the river, the surrounding was extremely quiet, and the night view was really good.

They sat side by side on the stone bench table, silent all the time, no one broke the peace first.Just like that, time passed by every minute and every second, and just when Qiao Qiancen was about to lose patience and didn't want to stay any longer, the man's indifferent laughter came, "Don't you think it's a pity that we ended up like this? From beginning to end In the end, we didn't do anything wrong, let alone made a mistake in principle, why can't we forgive each other? Is it so difficult and painful to start over?"

His words were calm, but at this moment, he revealed the emotions in his heart clearly. He didn't want their relationship to end like this at all. He only hoped that there would be a chance to return to the past, not like it is now.

"But didn't I make it clear enough on the phone? Why do you ask me the same question again?!"

Qiao Qiancen felt a little driven crazy, she didn't understand that this man asked her out and kept silent, but now that he talked, it was still the same topic.This made her feel ridiculous and ironic in her heart!I don't understand what she is talking about?What was it that he really wanted to tell her!
When the man saw her so angry, his heart sank after all. He smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Because this question is very important, I will ask you twice. As long as you give me an answer that satisfies me, I won't care about it so much. Do you understand? Qiancen, I won't embarrass you, I just want to Just ask clearly."

The man said with a calm smile, but Qiao Qiancen clenched his fists slightly, feeling unspeakably gloomy, and he didn't know how to explain and refute. After all, now is their most authentic feedback, how can she lie, that's it It's the truth!

"If you're here for this matter, then I'm sorry, I don't think I can give you a satisfactory answer no matter what." After all, Qiao Qiancen smiled and didn't want to explain so much, so he said this sentence directly.

However, when these words fell, there was quite a shock. The man turned his head and looked at her with complicated and gloomy eyes!That kind of gloom from the heart can't resist pretending not to know.

This is an indisputable fact.

"I am leaving, bye!"

Qiao Qiancen was about to get out of the car, but at this moment, a big hand grabbed her, "There are some things, you'd better think about them clearly."

Qiao Qiancen naturally heard the irony in this sentence. At this moment, she smiled and didn't give him another chance to explain, "I just thought clearly, so I made such a decisive decision, do you understand?"

There is pain in the eyes, and I don't want to let such a thing happen again, I have experienced it once.Knowing how hopeless the pain caused by such a thing is, she has no way to let herself go.

However, at this moment, after she finished speaking, she was about to leave. After breaking free from the man's hand, she turned around and wanted to open the door to go out. It was very strange that Fu Yanshen gave up so quickly and did not pester her any more. .

However, in the next second, she completely understood everything.

The car door couldn't be opened at all, she couldn't help frowning, feeling annoyed?
"What are you doing? Open the door!"

She was a little angry, she didn't expect this man to be so naive, how old he is, to do this kind of trick!Is it possible to continue to treat yourself as a child? !

However, her angry man didn't seem to see it. At this moment, he was silent, and only said indifferently behind her, "Why didn't you promise me?"

The trembling voice in the calmness well interpreted his despair, as if he had completely stayed in the desperate situation and couldn't get out, so he could only ask such words with a smirk.

Qiao Qiancen frowned, thinking that he was like asking his mother if he loved his child when he was a child, he was really naive to the extreme!

"I don't want to discuss such meaningless topics with you!"

Qiao Qiancen pursed her lips, her eyes were cold, and she just said that, but the man was completely stunned when he heard the words.He looked at the woman in front of him, feeling unbelievably uncomfortable.

"Are you so unwilling to tell me?!"

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't want to!"

Qiao Qiancen's words were extremely cold!There was no sympathy left, and after all, she was like this, which completely angered the last leeway in the man's heart. After all, when she didn't know it, he suddenly grabbed her hand, and in the next second, he grabbed her. He pulled her forward with all his strength, lowered his head, and kissed her bitterly!

Qiao Qiancen froze, her eyes widened!
It never occurred to him that he would do this!At this moment, it was as if my heart was about to collapse, and I struggled vigorously, not willing to compromise at all!
After all, such a thing shouldn't have happened, but now it really happened. He was so angry that he almost forgot everything, and he just wanted to completely destroy and overthrow everything!
However, the man's strength and determination were beyond her expectation after all. He seemed crazy and refused to give her a chance. In the end, he forced Qiao Qiancen into the abyss of despair.After all, we can only compromise...


After some time, Qiao Qiancen asked this sentence with a trembling voice. At this moment, her eyes were a little red, and she didn't know how to describe her emotions, as if she was about to collapse?
But the emotion in the man's eyes forced her to surrender. She was terrified, worried that everything would be the end, they were tied to each other, no one could leave, and they were trapped and isolated here for the rest of their lives!In that case, it would be too scary, they were terrified!
"There is no reason, you understand, and you know it clearly, because I love you! I love you, do you understand what I mean? No one can resist this feeling, and no one can deny it."

(End of this chapter)

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