Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1074 Little things between them

Chapter 1074 Little things between them
Qiao Qiancen just looked at the man standing in front of him against the light.He always felt that there seemed to be something different in his heart here, but after all he couldn't tell what it was. At this moment, he could only look at his back and think about the things the two of them had experienced before. There was some change in my heart unconsciously.

The two of them have experienced so many ups and downs for so many years, it stands to reason that they should have been together a long time ago, why they have come to this point in the final analysis is because each other feels tired in their hearts and wants to give up everything.

That's why she chose to leave him when he lost his memory.And he himself gave up that memory after all, and lived with a person who forgot the past.In the final analysis, both of them have given up on this relationship, and no one is sorry for the other.

Looking at the men in front of him, he ran away like hell.Fu Yanshen finally turned his head to look at her, "It's dangerous for you to go home alone at night, or take my car, and I'll take you back."

Qiao Qiancennaihe felt a little reluctant in his heart, but after experiencing such a thing at this moment, he was still afraid in the bottom of his heart, so he nodded and agreed.

Apart from asking him to take him home now, he really doesn???t know any way to go back safely. There are very few cars on the road, and he has not even seen a few taxis. Now it seems that he really can only let him go home. Sent her back.

Back in the car, Qiao Qiancen unconsciously remembered what happened in the car just now, her cheeks became slightly hot, she looked out the window, trying to calm down her inner emotions, pretending not to care.

However, this hope was broken by the man in the next second, and he took the initiative to bring up what happened just now.

"After all, I was impulsive just now. I'm sorry. I apologize to you now, and I hope you don't take it to heart. I acted a little rogue just now. I didn't think about it. I don't know how to translate. You should forget it as much as possible."

The man stared ahead as if bumping into the steering wheel, and his tone of voice was indeed somewhat unnatural. In fact, Qiao Qiancen was also embarrassed after all, so why not him.

At that moment, after all, he was irritated, and he would get out of things that he couldn't control. Later, in retrospect, he also felt that he was too reckless, which made him angry, and the fault of this matter lies in his current situation. An apology is of course also.

Qiao Qiancen lowered his head unnaturally, hesitated for a while, and finally opened his lips and said, "It doesn't matter, just pretend that it never happened to him, and I don't care too much about it."

After all, his eyes looked elsewhere, not just because he didn't dare to look at him or what was going on, his eyes were a little dodgy, and he didn't want to meet the man's eyes.

It's useless to do anything now that things have come to this, and they have no choice but to accept and forget things.

Just like the relationship between them, apart from forgetting everything that happened in the past and pretending that it never happened, what else can we do now?Could it be possible to save the past and refuse to let go like a lunatic?It would be too ugly to write like that, and they are unwilling to do it.So it is only natural that they came to such an ending later on.

During the journey, the two of them stopped talking, the windows of the car were lowered slightly, and the breeze blew into the car, blowing over the faces of the two of them.At this moment, their hearts are clearer and clearer, as if they are thinking about the relationship between them, thinking about many things, but they don't know how to say it.

Fu Yanshen pretended to activate the authentication envoy, and looked at the woman beside him through the rearview mirror several times.He likes to know what he is thinking about doing at this moment, what kind of emotion is in his heart, and whether he is really angry with him when dealing with the matter just now, but at this moment, even if he wants to know again, no matter how If you want to know, you can't ask after all, you can only judge by his expression and demeanor.

The 30-minute journey finally came to an end and stopped downstairs at his house. He watched the woman next to him unbuckle his seat belt, and finally said the words he had endured along the way. "Sometimes I don't want to leave regrets, so I may make a way that I think I can fight for, and I hope that won't hurt you."

Qiao Qiancen was about to get out of the car, but he didn't expect him to say this suddenly. At this moment, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, paused and stopped his movements.

After a while, it finally seemed to be the other way around, and he said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I can understand your feelings. Many times we feel reluctant, just because we can't get it. As the saying goes, it's so good What you don???t get is the best, so you just feel that you have regrets in your heart, so you don???t want to let go, but in fact, your consciousness has already let go and gave up all of this.???

Qiao Qiancen smiled slightly and said it calmly, as if he was enlightening him. At this moment, the man listened to his words, and the bottom of his heart was really touched. He felt that something was moving away from him, and he couldn't control it. To flustered and restless.

He really couldn't understand whether Qiao Qiancen really didn't understand what he was saying or was he just pretending to be stupid. Even though such simple and clear words, at this moment, he was unwilling to accept and look at this matter with a correct perspective.

There is really no way, he sighed after all, the stormy sea, when it comes to this point, he can only accept it with a smile, and don't go into so much, because he also understands what he has made up his mind to affirm now, what is he doing? Ability can change his mind, at best, it's just a blind effort by himself.

I always feel that he can't say anything more, and Qiao Qiancen took it for granted. The next time he went to leave, he turned around and waved to him and said, "Goodbye, be careful on the way back."

For some reason, seeing this scene, he felt as if he was touched in his heart, and a very familiar feeling came to his heart. He always felt that such a scene, he had seen such a familiar and deja vu feeling more than once, In the end, it made his heart tighten a bit.

He really wanted to ask him if they had such a difference before, but he couldn't say a word when it came to his mouth, because he knew that this woman's emotions towards him were no longer the same as before. After all, what the two of them can and cannot do also understands what it is.

(End of this chapter)

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