Chapter 1078

Eating a meal is considered peaceful.Before it was about to end, Qiao Qiancen's manager and Fu Yanshen's assistant left one after another. At this time, there were only the two of them left in the restaurant. The man in front of him glanced at him, but he didn't know that his manager and Fu Yanshen's assistant certificate were also leaving, just to create opportunities for the two of them, both of them knew that they were lovers who had a good relationship in the past , and even almost went to the palace of marriage.

So now they want Qiao Qiancen and Fu Yanshen to think about it for a while, get along with each other, have a good talk, and see if there is any chance for the two to get back together again.

Qiao Qiancen appeared calm on the surface, but in his heart he was always waiting for Jesse to come back, but after all, he didn't know why he never came back after he left. In the past, he would never leave his side for 10 minutes For the above, I usually only answer one more phone call, and come back after going to the bathroom, but for today...

Even Fu Yanshen's assistant did not come back for a long time after leaving. At this moment, he could vaguely guess something in his heart. After all, he sighed a little helplessly and irritated, feeling as if he had been swayed by someone. Feel.

Slightly raised his head and looked at the man in front of him, he seemed to have something to say, but he didn't expect that the moment he raised his head, he happened to meet the man's eyes.

They were all stunned at this moment. Qiao Qiancen looked away unnaturally, as if he didn't want to be recognized by the man. Shi Wuwu could only sigh and look at each other, "You said that the two of them left one after the other and didn't come back for a long time. Is there really any purpose?"

Qiao Qiancen looked at him unnaturally while drinking the drink in the glass with a straw, and asked hesitantly.

After listening to his words, I, a man, raised my eyes to look at him after all, and nodded to agree with her thoughts. "Obviously it is."

Qiao Qiancen suddenly felt that his head was getting bigger, he propped his head slightly, and said in distress. "But they all know that the two of us can't have a result, why do we have to do these unnecessary struggles?!"

Hearing his words, Fu Yanshen froze slightly, as if she hadn't expected that she would express her state of mind so directly, she was silent for a while, and finally smiled disappointedly , I didn't expect that her rejection of herself had reached such a point now.

"You are so sure. It seems that you have already decided in your heart. There is no ending for the two of us. It has come to an end."

The tone of his words was flat, but there seemed to be many emotions contained in these words. At this moment, people constantly felt sad and helpless, even a bit sad.

"There is no way that after experiencing that kind of thing once, I won't have a second hope. It's not just me changing it to anyone, but also the same idea."

She said with a flat smile, but at this moment, there was a sense of sadness in her eyes that no one could detect. She had already determined in her heart what the direction of her life would be in the future. What you want, rather than relying on anyone's light or anyone's strength.

She is strong and brave like this, but it also makes people feel distressed.

If it were any girl who grew up in a greenhouse, why would she have such an idea? It can only be said that she has lived in an environment that requires struggle, strength, hard work, and dedication since she was a child. .

Otherwise, she would definitely not be like this now.

Sighing slightly, the man looked at the coffee in front of him, and suddenly felt like he couldn't drink it or eat anything, that kind of feeling is very sad, it's when you know you need to eat but you can't swallow it Feeling, very painful.

The slender fingertips tapped lightly on the table, rhythmically and casually, as if thinking about the definition of his own life.

And those things that have been persistent for a long time will eventually become the past that cannot be let go. Even if you feel hurt and reluctant, you can only accept the past tense after all.

"Continue to drink. Today we will have a good drink with drinks. It is rare that there are only two of us. Such a scene is not common. It seems that it will be very rare to find another such opportunity in the future. Let's do it well." Cherish it."

The man spoke calmly, and offered him a cup of coffee. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen looked at the man in front of him, but he couldn't say a word. He could only smile bitterly, and nodded in agreement. .

"It is indeed in the form between the two of us. As long as we live together, walk together, and get a little closer, it will be on the news. Your concerns are indeed serious. From now on, we may not have this opportunity. We can be like It’s been a long time since I sat together, drank and chatted like this.”

He would smile and put his hands on his chin, and think seriously, and in this appearance, the sun hit her face, casting a faint light, her hair seemed to be golden yellow, and her smile was bright and cheerful. It is beautiful, but it seems to remain in the years, and it will never change color.

The man looked at the woman in front of him, and after all, he unconsciously lost his mind. After all, he was beautiful and touching, which made him unconsciously lose his soul, and even forgot how to think about his life.

Finally he smiled and nodded.

"So let's have a qualitative chat this afternoon, let's talk about many topics that we haven't talked about before, and topics that we may talk about in the future. Maybe after today, it will be difficult to have the opportunity to sit together and have fun together like now. We chatted, and it was only the two of us, such an opportunity is really rare, it is rare for them to give us time and space, we should not let them down."

Fu Yan said in a deep and indifferent tone, without much serious meaning. After all, his appearance at this moment made Qiao Qiancen feel a little depressed. He only felt that something was half-opened, but after all he wanted to find it. The initial feeling, but found that she completely lost her way, and she didn't have an accurate answer as to which direction to go and which way was the right way.

(End of this chapter)

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