Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1084 You must have nothing to do!

Chapter 1084 You must have nothing to do!
After all, he was so flustered at this moment that he didn't even bother to call the driver. He got into the car and started the car quickly, heading towards Qiao Qiancen's home address.

It seems that there is a voice constantly urging myself in the bottom of my heart, I must hurry up, hurry up, and I must not be late...

Although he doesn't know why, his heart seems to be tightly gripped, but at this moment he is really worried about what happened to the woman on the other end of the phone, and at this moment he doesn't care what she calls him , I just hope that the person on the other end of the phone is okay.
Qiao Qiancen felt as if he was about to pass out, his whole body was twitching and aching all the time, his head swelled and ached when it was hot and cold.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, so she could only hold the phone tightly, hoping that the person on the other end of the phone would come and rescue her quickly.

At this time, the pain is more desperate than ever, like a sharp knife stabbing your stomach, sinking you into it bit by bit...

"Mom, come here quickly, please hurry up, I can't hold it anymore..."

Her voice was very weak, and she was even weaker. At this moment, the man who was driving the car heard the woman's weak voice on the phone, or felt even more flustered. Aftertaste, he closed the door tightly and looked at There was a lot of traffic in front of him, he finally stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car rushed out like an arrow off the string!
"Qiao Qiancen, hold on for me, do you hear me? I'm rushing over now, you can't have an accident! I'll take you to the hospital! Just hold on for a while!"

He held the steering wheel with his hand and hugged it gently. At this moment, even he himself didn't realize how tight he was holding the steering wheel. In his heart, he just couldn't wait to go to her side and check her situation!
However, Qiao Qiancen couldn't hear other people's words at this moment. He only felt cold sweat slipping from his forehead, and the whole person gradually lost consciousness, and gradually, he passed out completely...

Fu Yanshen became even more anxious when he couldn't hear the response from the other end of the phone. He always had a bad premonition, and it became stronger and stronger. Nian passed several cars and changed lanes to drive.

At the moment when several red lights in front of him passed by, he couldn't care less about anything in his heart, he just wanted to see that woman, as long as she was well, he would be able to rest assured.

After 15 minutes, he finally arrived at his home, but no one opened the door he had been knocking on for a long time...

After all, he guessed something, didn't care about anything anymore, and started banging on the door forcefully.

While shouting, "Open the door, Qiao Qiancen! Did you hear that? Quickly come and open the door, I'm here to save you, are you okay? Quickly stand up, just open the door for me!"

However, no matter how loudly he yelled, the woman in the room seemed unable to hear his voice, and fell into a complete coma.

After all, there was no way, he could only use more force, as if he didn't care about whether he would be injured afterwards, and only tried his best to open the door to check the condition of the woman in the room.

And every time he opened it, he rushed in, but he didn't expect to see a woman lying in the middle of the hall, it was Qiao Qiancen!
At this moment, the clothes he was wearing were soaked in cold sweat, his entire face was extremely pale, and he fell unconsciously on the ground, no matter how he called or how he shook her body, she didn't even have any consciousness at all.

At this moment, the man was completely flustered, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. He couldn't care about anything anymore, and immediately hugged her horizontally!

He rushed downstairs, carried her to his car, and drove directly to the hospital.

"Let me tell you, you can't have an accident. You know, I will never allow you to have an accident. We just signed the contract, and you just want to just walk away, regardless of everything!"

Fu Yanshen lowered his head and glanced while driving. The fainted woman next to him only felt uneasy in his heart, as if he was about to be drowned. At this moment, how much he wished that the person lying there was himself. instead of her...

However, Qiao Qiancen had already lost consciousness, lying on the seat with his eyes tightly closed.

She seemed to have had a very long and far-reaching dream. In the dream, she was in danger, and when she was in the most difficult time, a tall figure appeared, and he took herself out of the predicament, and came to a beautiful and full place. A situation of sunshine and hope.

"Who are you? Why are you saving me?"

He opened his eyes but couldn't see the appearance of the man in front of him clearly. After all, he could only make a sound to try to attract his attention.

However, after the words fell, the man turned his head, but he still couldn't see his face clearly. His face seemed to be blocked by a cloud of fog, and no one could see his appearance clearly.

Hearing his voice at this moment, the man finally responded to her words. "I'm the man you love the most in your heart. If I say that, you should be the first one to think of me."

After the words fell, she was completely covered, but at this moment, a man's face did appear in his mind, and that was Fu Yanshen...

After all, her heart seemed to be scalded by something, it was extremely hot, she slowly shook her head, and said firmly, "No, it can't be him, you must not be him, the two of us have already separated , it is impossible for him to care about me anymore, we have absolutely no fate in this life!"

However, after she finished saying this, the man in front of her smiled softly, as if hearing something ridiculous, but without any malice.

"It's him, and I'm the one you're thinking about. Why don't you just let go and try to accept me once? Maybe this time I won't make you sad again?"

The man asked his words back, and at this moment Qiao Qiancen just wanted to refute and say something more for himself, but the tall figure in front of him disappeared, turning into air as if it had never existed.

"Hey... where are you going?"

Qiao Qiancen said with a trembling voice, wanting to go forward to look for that figure, but he has completely disappeared...

The angry brows frowned slightly, and he was a little bit unwilling in his heart, why did the good-looking man disappear, it was clear that he was still here just now...
In the hospital, a group of doctors and nurses placed the pale woman on the hospital bed and immediately pushed her to the emergency room.

(End of this chapter)

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