Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1087 I'd rather die than die!

Chapter 1087 I'd rather die than die!

She looked terribly weak.Her complexion was so pale that she was so vacant when she walked, she needed to hold on to the surrounding walls to support her walking. The man who came over saw that she had come out, so he couldn't help but walked over anxiously.

"You need to rest, why did you get up?!"

There was anxiety and anxiety in his low voice that he didn't even realize.At this moment, he didn't care about what he was thinking in his heart, he just watched the woman in front of him walking around so disobediently, disregarding his health at all, and he felt angry that he didn't come.

When Qiao Qiancen heard that, seeing his expression was a little weird, after all, he bit his lip before nodding and returning to the ward.

Maybe it was his delusion, he always felt that the attitude of the man in front of him seemed to be back to the past, the usual kind when there was no gap, no misunderstanding, and they were still in a relationship.

There is a feeling of regret in my heart, maybe some people missed it, after all, this is a lifetime, but now what else can she do besides accepting such a thing?

She didn't say a word, and she lay down obediently after returning to the ward, and the man came back behind her.

"The doctor said that your situation is still a little tricky, and you need to rest for a while. During this time, you can't run around. Just lie on the bed obediently. I will find someone to take care of you. Don't worry. As for your mother Bian called me just now, and I told him that you have nothing to do with me."

Fu Yanshen's original intention was not to worry his mother.However, at this moment Qiao Qiancen heard the words, but his eyes widened in vain, full of unsure of self-confidence, and he never thought that he would do such a thing.

"You, how can you look like this, how can you say that?"

Qiao Qiancen became a little anxious. He didn't plan to further develop the matter between him and him, and there was no need to let his family know, but now he told his mother about the two of them being together last night. , then it is self-evident what it represents in the eyes of his mother. At this moment, he only felt a pain in his head, and he didn't know how to explain it to his mother when he went back.

"I don't say that, so how should I say it? You are in the hospital now and you say that you are very uncomfortable. Let him come over to take care of you. I remember that my aunt is still sick?"

After Fu Yanshen's words fell, Qiao Qiancen was stunned after all, his long eyelashes blinked slightly, as if something was changing, what he said at this moment was indeed correct.After Qiao Qiancen heard this, he didn't say anything more after all. He nodded and sighed in his heart.

"My words are not malicious. I just think that if my mother finds out about such a thing, she will definitely think wrong again. After all, her character is in the past. If a man and a woman are together, it represents a special meaning. I don't want him to misunderstand."

Her voice was a little lonely, as if such a thing was really bad for her.At this moment, Fu Yanshen's brows were furrowed, and he felt more and more unable to understand the thoughts of the woman in front of him. It was just a one-night stay with him, so what if it spread, could it possibly ruin her reputation? ?
At this moment, his heart was extremely complicated, he remained silent, and finally stood up after a long time.

"Presumably you must mind me being here, right? I'd better leave first, and I'll find a nurse to take care of you, but don't worry about this matter, I won't let others know that we were together last night , I have already greeted you over there before, this reporter will stay, and my people will stop me, no reporter will be able to come up to interview you."

After Fu Yanshen finished speaking, he turned around and left. After all, at this moment, Qiao Qiancen had no choice but to say anything. What he said was not wrong. This matter should be resolved in this way, but for some reason, he felt a little sad and lost. It's the feeling, and it's just seeing him leave her like this.It seemed that everything in me gradually became empty, which made it difficult for me to adapt.

Fu Yanshen came to the street, and he was about to leave and go back. Regarding the woman's affairs, he always felt that it was better for him to take care of that woman. After all, she never wanted to accept his favor.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he passed a breakfast shop, he finally stopped.

Looking at the steaming buns, deep-fried dough sticks, and soy milk, he suddenly thought of the woman in the ward, who seemed to have not had breakfast, and if he ignored her, it would probably be noon when the volunteers came again, so this In the morning she has to be hungry.

After hesitating again and again, he still chose to go over and buy him a bowl of millet porridge and two steamed buns, and then turned back to the ward.

Deep down in my heart, I couldn't tell what I was thinking, but at this moment, I somehow didn't want her to be hungry.After all, he is already sick now, and if he suffers from hunger and cold, wouldn't his condition be even worse?

When he came to the hospital, Qiao Qiancen was boringly pressing the remote control of the TV in the ward. The master couldn't find the TV series he liked to watch, and the expression on his face was a little impatient.

And after all, the moment he came into the room and was seen by her.The remote control in his hand happened to press a TV series that she starred in.

At this time, she was reading her lines on TV, 【Don't leave me, okay?The person I love the most in this life is you, I can never leave you, the days without you, I would be worse than death! 】

At this moment, there was a bit of silence in the air. It seemed that both of them were a little embarrassed, especially Qiao Qiancen. He had an unnatural expression on his face. I didn't expect to see him come back to this ward again, and he happened to hear me saying this sentence lines.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen felt extremely embarrassed, quickly pressed fast forward, skipped his part before raising his head, and looked at him again with an inquiring look in his eyes, as if asking him why he came back again.

And at this time, Fu Yanshen seemed to have understood some of his thoughts, cleared her throat, and the pervert did not leave, and came over to put a breakfast on her table.

"Don't get me wrong, I just happened to pass by the breakfast shop, and I was worried that someone's illness would get worse because of hunger, so I bought it casually. I can handle the breakfast by myself. I can eat it if I want it, and throw it away if I don't want it."

He said this sentence with a cold face, and then walked straight out of the door, and finally at this time, Qiao Qiancen called out to stop him with some reluctance.


The man stopped the tall figure, turned his back to him, and didn't intend to turn around to look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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