Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1091 Let's Serve Snacks!

Chapter 1091 Let's Serve Snacks!

"Doctor, how is she? What's wrong with her body? Why do accidents happen again and again?!"

He rushed over and grabbed the cuffs of his body, and couldn't help asking himself. The moment he was born, his panic and anxiety completely surged up. He really couldn't figure out why so many people in Qiao Qiancen fainted over and over again.

The doctor looked at him, frowned helplessly, and said, "Didn't we tell you clearly at the beginning? The patient's current condition still needs rest. You can't let him have emotional fluctuations, let alone Let her have unpleasant thoughts, otherwise her physical indicators will be unstable, and accidents will easily occur at that time, why haven't you guys properly controlled this aspect?"

After the doctor's words fell, he always sounded an alarm in his heart. After all, he was completely stunned. Looking at the doctor in front of him, he felt a little guilty, and lowered his head, as if he didn't know how to explain. For a moment, his mind was blank. He just thought of Qiao Qiancen lying in the emergency ward once, and he couldn't help feeling panic and uneasiness in his heart.

"I was negligent, sorry."

After the words fell, the doctor directly denied his words. "You are not sorry for me, you are sorry for the young lady inside. She is in such a serious condition now, you should take care of her, how can you leave again and again and not be by your side? If it is not discovered in time this time, I am afraid he Something will happen again, and it will be you family members who will be sad and regretful."

After saying this, he sighed and shook his head and left all his life. He seemed unable to figure out why this man in front of him who seemed to care about the patient would leave the ward again and again, leaving Qiao Qiancen alone.

At this moment, Fu Yanshen's tall and stalwart body was finally standing at the door of the emergency room, watching the nurses push Qiao Qiancen out and return to the ward where she used to live, but he was standing still and unable to take a step I don't know how to face Qiao Qiancen.

He felt a little depressed in his heart, he didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong, but there was a voice clearly blaming him in his heart, why did he say those traces of words to him at the beginning, why did he say that? The tantrum went away, regardless of her condition.

So much so that Qiao Qiancen is now lying in the ward without making a sound, as if he will leave his side in the next second. After all, it makes him uneasy and scared, but he has no chance of turning around .

The matter has come to this point, he seems to be saying something, and it is useless to explain something, now he can only wait for him to wake up with full expectation, say sorry to her, and take good care of her by her side, what Do not go.

He didn't know how long he stood outside the ward that night, until finally he couldn't bear it anymore, he opened the door of the ward and walked in. Looking at the sleeping face of the girl inside, he felt a little uneasy, and finally raised his head. His hand slowly stroked her face, "Qiao Qiancen, wake up and see if I'm okay. I have a lot of things I want to tell you, but here, if you don't listen to me and don't respond to my words, I will I don’t know when I will have the courage to say such things again.”

Talking about the society here, I feel that I am ridiculous, I can't stop, Gou Qichun smiled, looking at the girl who was asleep in front of me and couldn't hear herself at all, after all, she sat on her with a sigh Beside him, Wei Wei held her hand.

"Actually, I do have amnesia, but every time I face you in the bottom of my heart, there is an unspeakable strong emotion, as if a voice in the dark is telling me, I should get close to you, I should let you You accept me, but I don’t know why every time I actually walk in front of you, I unconsciously want to make you angry, and then make you pay more attention to me, and do many childish behaviors, but in fact When I think about it, I still feel very regretful, we are obviously adults, why should we get along in this way."

He smiled wryly for a while, but there was a slight red light in his eyes, as if he was also sighing his childish behavior.

"In the bottom of my heart, you seem to be different from other women. They always approach me for various reasons, trying to make a sense of presence in front of me, but you are different. Without the slightest beam of light, it seems that I am just a dispensable person in your eyes. To be honest, this kind of you is very eye-catching, and it also makes me interested in you. But I always feel that, This is not the reason why I have special feelings for you in my heart, maybe I have those feelings because the two of us have really been together before, so now it is so unforgettable."

He held Qiao Qiancen's hand, and slowly approached his face, as if he wanted to say all the words in his heart in one breath.

But at this moment, she didn't have the confidence in her heart. She clearly knew that the girl on the bed was unconscious and couldn't hear her speech, but at this moment she still felt nervous unconsciously.

It seemed that even he himself couldn't stand it anymore, he laughed and said helplessly, "Maybe I'm just a coward, I don't even dare to look directly into my heart, how I hope that one day someone can see through all my emotions, and then don't Need me to say something more, and understand me, how I hope that person is you, Qian Cen."

At this moment, something seemed to be gradually changing in his heart. He was so absorbed in what he said that he didn't notice the long eyelashes of the girl lying on the hospital bed moved.

He was talking to himself, but he said that he didn't know that his true confession had already fallen into the eyes of the girl, but she didn't have the energy to respond to him at this moment, and she didn't even have the energy to respond, let him Mistakenly thinking that Qiao Qiancen didn't hear him talking.

"I'm thinking that one day if I recall our sufferings and come to confess to you at that time and tell you about my helplessness, will you choose to accept me? If so, I think I must be very happy. I'm happy, because I always put my eyes on you unconsciously, I think this should really mean liking, when I like someone, he will care so much about his opinion."

After Fu Yan finished speaking with a deep sigh, she finally put down her hand with a helpless smile.

So be it……

(End of this chapter)

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