Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1101 Kidnapping Plan

Chapter 1101 Kidnapping Plan
"There seems to be some truth in what you said. As long as we start with that woman, I'm afraid she won't be able to submit to us at that time. She will definitely give us the position of sovereignty obediently and let us send it!"

The vice president nodded to Mi Meng and said seriously at this moment, the corner of his mouth curled into a gloomy arc, as if he had seen the light of hope in his eyes, and he felt extremely comfortable.

"Yes, based on his thoughts on that woman, the vice president is afraid that anyone who uses her as a bait can succeed."

"Since this is the case, we have to act first. That woman can make her so fascinated, so it proves that her status in her heart is very powerful."

After the two discussed the countermeasures, they began to act according to the plan.

On this day, when Qiao Qiancen just came out of the company, the sky was already a little dark. He originally wanted to walk back directly as usual, but when he walked into an alley, he found that someone seemed to be following him. Following this moment, his He couldn't help feeling a little flustered in his heart, and he clenched his hands slightly, not knowing if it was his own illusion, or if someone was really following him.

As a public figure, he has long been used to being followed by paparazzi, and then he wanted to capture some hand-painted information that could break the news.But this time, he clearly felt that his feeling was very different. That person clearly seemed to follow behind him deliberately, and the long distance was hidden from others, and he refused to lose him and the people who followed him in the past Journalists in the media seem to be very different.

After hesitating for a while, she finally lowered her head and pressed an emergency call button.

It's just that this time he didn't call Fu Yanshen, but directly called his agent. After all, he doesn't want to get involved with that man anymore. If he is called again now, no matter whether there is a misunderstanding in the end, Everyone owes a favor, and favor is the most difficult thing in this world to pay back. He doesn't want to bother him anymore, so he might as well find an agent who has a working relationship with him.

However, the strange thing is that this time he called but was hung up before the call was connected, as if there was no signal nearby. He couldn't help but panic, and an ominous premonition filled him more and more clearly. ear.

Could it be that someone has set a trap around here, and the information network in this area has been blocked? !
When a thought popped out of my mind, I felt uneasy and whether he would hold the phone tightly, and tried to find a chance to escape, but at this moment, I was alone, and he The road was forced to go further and further away, and he really didn't know what to do.

Suddenly he saw that there seemed to be a bright light in front of him, and he just thought that there must be other passers-by there, so he walked over without thinking, his pace was very fast, and he wanted to get rid of the man behind him.

However, it was beyond his expectation after all. As soon as he walked to the bright side, he forgot that dozens of men in black clothes were smiling at her with a stick.

Qiao Qiancen finally understood that they were setting a trap here, and they had set up a net to catch him, but he didn't know who he had offended, and he wanted to go to such lengths to target him.

He wanted to step back slightly, but the men behind him who followed him with Yuan Bao had already appeared behind him, tapped his back with a stick, and said with a sneer. "Don't hide, little girl, you are already surrounded by us, now obediently listen to us and post, otherwise you will suffer a lot!"

Qiao Qiancen's whole heart trembled, he had lost all means at this moment and felt uneasy, but no matter how much he calls for help now, no matter how much he thinks, other methods will not work after all, after all he is surrounded by dozens of men, where There is still a free chance for him to escape. It seems that now he can only stabilize their emotions, let them not hurt themselves, and protect themselves as well as possible.

"Just tell me what you want, do you need money or something? I can contact my Jingjing and ask them to send it to you."

She tried her best to keep calm and said, but when the words fell, the men in front of her just laughed out loud as if they heard a big joke.

"We don't need money. Our boss has money. Now, we don't want anything. We just need you to be our bait obediently."

"Bait, what bait, what do you want to do?!"

She carefully looked at the man in front of her with a bad premonition in her heart, always feeling that they seemed to use him to hurt more people, but at this moment he really couldn't figure out who they would make him threaten.

The person who cares about him the most in this world is nothing more than his mother, and his mother is not a celebrity in society, and she doesn't have enough money for them to blackmail, so it shouldn't be aimed at his mother.

But besides his mother, who else could it be aimed at?
The company is just a cooperative relationship with him, and he doesn't take his comfort too seriously. The agent also has a cooperative relationship with him, and he doesn't have too much money, so who are they for now? ?
For some reason, when I thought of this, a man's face appeared among the boy, and that person was Fu Yanshen...

His heart trembled with some uneasiness. He looked at the people in front of him, and he felt a bad feeling surrounding him. He understood something at this moment, but he couldn't guess what the people in front of him were. Who and what identity.

But they could vaguely guess that they must be people who knew Fu Yanshen.

"Then how do you want me to cooperate with you? I have never been a toddler. If you don't explain some things to me clearly, I may not be able to do well. Now tell me what you are going to do, and let me do it." Analyze what I should do, I don't want to drag you down."

Qiao Qiancen tried his best to maintain himself, his emotions on the surface stabilized, he looked at these people in front of him and said, but at this moment, the feeling of uneasiness surrounded his whole body, but he was still trying his best to stabilize himself Emotions, don't reveal your points or show your hands and feet, let them see that something is wrong with them.

Even though the men didn't expect him to say that, they looked at each other at this moment, as if they were thinking about what he was planning.

The man standing in front of me also laughed when I heard his words, I just felt that he was trying to be smart and didn't take it too seriously.

and told him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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