Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1120 I Really Can't Do It

Chapter 1120 I Really Can't Do It
[Although I don't have any special feelings for the two of them, I have a flat feeling for anyone, but when the two of them are together, I still feel a little uncomfortable. After all, the former two were in the business world One is a popular actress in the entertainment industry. Although this combination is very suitable, I always feel a little unclean when walking together. 】

[The people upstairs are careful when they speak, I can feel your exquisiteness through the screen, don't you just envy people who are rich and beautiful, and then walk together? 】

[It’s just how you talk on the first floor. The grandsons these days actually want to say whatever they really want to say. Everyone knows them and knows exactly how they got to where they are now. No one can just say whatever they want. If they succeed casually, they have reached such a point now, which can only show that they are really powerful and capable! 】

[I also support them to come to this point. They must have matured a lot of things that others have not done. Since they have worked so hard, it is only natural that they already have a good life. This is fair and true. , you can do the same as long as you work hard, there is no need to bring a lemon essence to remove the acid! 】

[It's really a combination of talent and beauty. I really hope to see them have a happy ending one day. If this is the case, will I really believe that there is love in this world?I can't help but look forward to it again! 】

[The two people heard that they fell in love at first sight when they were in college. Isn't such a person the hero and heroine in the story?Now if they are together, I really believe that those novels and TV shows are true! 】

While scrolling through Weibo, the corners of Qiao Qiancen's mouth curled up deeper and deeper. He didn't like to read comments on Weibo before, because there were too many side comments about him on the Internet. Reading too much not only affects his mood, but also makes people feel uncomfortable. He became depressed, and now he didn't expect that because of the announcement of his love affair, the comments on him on the Internet would improve by more than one degree, and there were even many people who wished him a happy life. They were both moved and surprised.

And he doesn't know how long this kind of life can last. This kind of beauty makes him yearn for it. He only hopes that it can continue for a long time, and that he can always be around him in the future. It is too unforgettable.

It's just that he looked at it quickly, and found many bad comments, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help froze.

[Look at that woman's fox-like face. You can see that she is taking advantage of her appearance and figure. You see, he was famous when he didn't have sex with this man before. The popularity has always been mediocre. How come all of a sudden? It has been appearing in front of the public for a while, and it is only with the help of others that it climbed to this position! 】

[Qiao Qiancen is really disgusting. As long as he is trying hard to rely on his own strength, I will not have such a resistance to him, but what I understand now is that he uses his body to be superior, and there are so many people on the Internet who can't handle it. The Qing people are speaking for him, I really feel nauseous when I see it! 】

[Excuse me, are they all brainless?Such an obvious unspoken rule, but it is said that love loves your size, how can there be love for money and desire!Don't insult love, okay? 】

After all, Qiao Qiancen put down his phone, rubbed his temples, and didn't want to pay attention to those things anymore. He knew that the comments on the Internet should not be taken to heart. After all, the same rice feeds all kinds of people, and it is impossible for everyone to be positive. There is no lack of people on the Internet who are depressed and have dark psychology. He should know this, but why can't he solve the negative emotions in his heart?

"What's wrong? Why are you unhappy?"

The man came back and sat opposite her.Looking at his slightly distressed face at this moment, he just felt puzzled, so he asked aloud.

When Qiao Qiancen heard this, he felt even more troubled in his heart. He turned on the phone screen and threw it to the man in front of him, letting him see it by himself.

"Tell me why these people are so strong at night, isn't it just a relationship? It's like a conspiracy theory to them, as if I must be the kind of person they said, if not, I must be acting, What qualifications do they have to think so?!"

Just flipping through it casually, Fu Yanshen became clear what was going on. At this moment, he just smiled lightly, handed the phone back to him, stretched out his hands and rubbed his head, and said helplessly. "I thought you wouldn't care about these comments after you became an artist, but I didn't expect you to still have unhappiness and dissatisfaction hidden deep in your heart but showing it on the surface without any concealment. It seems that you Not at all, have you grown because of these things?"

Qiao Qiancen glared at him dissatisfied. He didn't expect that he was doing it for his boyfriend. Not only did he not speak for him, but he also used this matter as a sarcasm and satirized him. He could not help but push his shoulder, as if to drive him away. , "Yeah, yeah, I just haven't made progress. If you look down on me so much, you should leave him quickly, lest I, a person who doesn't make progress, make you stupid later. I can't take responsibility like this!"

Hearing the woman's obviously impatient tone, at this moment Fu Yanshen didn't say anything or his words after all, but raised his hand to hug him and comforted him. "Okay, okay, I'm just joking with you, don't you just don't like the comments of those people on the Internet? I asked someone to help you delete them. It's these people who just idle all day and have nothing to do. I will say these words on the Internet, but you have to know that only those who are jealous of you will say these sour words. If it is someone who is not jealous of you, why should he waste time here to help you say it? "

Qiao Qiancen pursed her lips slightly.

I just think what he said is also reasonable, but at this moment he doesn't know how to adjust it, his emotions are the ones after all, he once hoped to be blessed by everyone, but after so long, he was still seen by everyone At such a low position, she still felt unhappy all of a sudden.

"To be honest. As an artist, of course I must have a good psychological quality, and I won't feel upset because of these people at will, but I don't know why, I just can't control myself, and I definitely don't have anyone who can really do it. It’s so difficult that I don’t care what other people think of me, and I want to know, but I’ve been working hard for so long but I can’t succeed, which means I really can’t do it.”

(End of this chapter)

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