Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1129 Are you really getting back together? !

Chapter 1129 Are you really getting back together? !

The agent was persuading him with righteous indignation, and at this moment Qiao Qiancen listened, but he didn't refute after all, afraid to understand that some people just need to be punished in order to wake up, otherwise he will be allowed to be lawless all the time. Hurt self and others.


She turned around and looked at the police, walked over and said, "You guys have worked hard to investigate this matter. If there is any result, I hope you can let me know. I also want to take a good look and hear why that person Want to hurt me like this."

The police nodded to comfort her and said, "Although you can rest assured, Ms. Qiao, we will contact you as soon as we have any clues about this matter. From now on, you can also rest assured that we will send a special team to guard you secretly. If the matter is not investigated clearly People will not be evacuated before, so you can live with peace of mind."

"That's really hard work for you."

After thanking him, he turned around and left with his agent. The two of them got into the nanny's car, and the car drove away. However, they didn't see it. When they left, a figure came out from the back of the building with eyes with resentment and anger.

"So ruthless, I just put something in your water, and you actually went to the police and someone came to arrest me and investigate me. You are not so pure and kind on the surface. Everything is your illusion. You are actually a person in your heart." Extremely vicious woman!"

Zhang Miaomiao clenched his fists and said, staring at the direction the car was leaving, as if he just wanted to pull people out of the car.

Now, not only did he not avenge him, but he also brought it upon himself. If he is troubled, he can only go home and take refuge first. From now on, she will come to her for revenge! -
"I've heard about you. It's been reported on the news no less than three times today. I just called you. Did you answer it? I just want to ask you about your situation. How are you doing now?"

Not long after getting into the nanny's car, he saw a few missed calls as soon as he turned on the phone. He hurriedly dialed back, and a man's familiar and concerned voice came from the phone.

Qiao Qiancen raised the corners of her lips slightly and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, the person who wanted to hurt me was not clear-headed enough, and his methods were not smart enough, so he just put some obvious things down, and I saw it right away. If you drink the water, call the police directly and let the police come. Fortunately, the surveillance is still keeping all the evidence, and it shouldn't be long before it will be found out."

Hearing what he said, the man on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, remained silent for a while, and asked, "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you. I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you."

Fu Yanshen's voice was hoarse and quiet, Qiao Qiancen almost understood his subtext, and couldn't help smiling.

Knowing that this man is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, he does not express his true emotions on the surface, and all his thoughts are hidden in his heart.

Since he took the initiative to speak up like this, the film really misses him, otherwise he would not usually take the initiative to take this step.

Qiao Qiancen thought for a while and said, "Why don't you just be the ones you are proficient in? Anyway, I'm not picky about food, and everything you cook is delicious. If you don't, you can set the place at my house, otherwise I haven't been back for a few days. No, my mom won't see me, I'll be missed if my mom doesn't see me for a while."

After the voice fell, the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds.

Fu Yanshen can naturally understand the meaning of her words.Now that the two of them have reunited, it is natural to introduce their parents, but now that it is not convenient for him, it does not matter for her, so naturally they need to find time to meet.

After being silent for a while, he thought about it and agreed.

"Okay, then I'll go to the nearby market to buy some vegetables and go to your house. You should go back soon, otherwise I'm afraid I won't know how to face your mother then."

Fu Yan thought deeply for a moment and said seriously.

When the two of them were together in the past, they were so lively that almost the whole world knew about them, not to mention her mother.

And after so many things happened, although he didn't mean it, he really hurt his daughter. When we meet again, he is not sure how Li Yiyuan will treat him.

Qiao Qiancen lowered his eyes and understood what was going on in his heart, so he replied: "I'm already on my way home now, and if there are no accidents, I should be there in 10 minutes. Don't worry, I will explain to my mother first. It will definitely not be embarrassing and unsuitable when the time comes.”


Fu Yanshen only recalled because of this word, and his heart was indeed a little complicated.

Probably no one thought that the two people who were originally good would be like this in the future. As a result, everything was beyond everyone's thinking and reaction, and they came to such a point. Now they are all involuntary, they are all forced to move forward, and Which way is right along the way, none of them know.

In the evening, Qiao Qiancen sat on the sofa with her mother after taking a shower.My mother was about to get up to cook for her when she stopped her.

"Mom, you can rest tonight. If you don't need to do it, you can do more, and you can eat in a while."

Qiao Qiancen said this with a smile, but my mother was stunned for a moment when she heard his words and asked with some anxiety, "Could it be that you girl suddenly wanted to cook, or forget it, Mom has eaten something you made, and if she eats it, she will go to the hospital."

Mother joked with a smile, not saving her any face.

Qiao Qiancen's cheeks were slightly red, but she still didn't want to care about it, so she just interrupted her with a smile, "It's not that I have to cook, I don't have the energy to cook, I'm exhausted from working all day today, and I don't need to call The takeaway is that a mysterious guest wants to cook for us today."

Li Yiyuan couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and looked at his daughter thoughtfully.

"Someone is coming to our house to cook for us? Who is it? Why didn't I hear you? It's hard to come here suddenly..."

As if thinking of something, the mother looked at Qiao Qiancen with shock and surprise in her eyes.

And Qiao Qiancen naturally understood the questioning in his mother's eyes, he just nodded with a smile, looking at his mother expectantly, wondering what kind of reaction his mother would have when she knew she was coming.

"The two of you are really getting back together. The outside world is right. Today's reporters are really sensitive enough. They can expose it after a little modification of the wind direction. There is not even a single mistake."

Mother couldn't tell whether she was happy or angry, she just spoke so plainly, which seemed a bit embarrassing.

Qiao Qiancen's smile froze a little.

(End of this chapter)

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