Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1131 Are You Talking About Me?

Chapter 1131 Are You Talking About Me?
This meal can be settled soon. The three of them sat at the dining table and ate happily, just like a family, warm and harmonious.

When Aqiao's mother saw this scene, I couldn't help but calm down a little. I was a little worried that they would not get along well in the future, but now it's just a meal, and it's all so homely, so she felt relieved a lot.

"Auntie, do you want some soup? If you want, I'll serve you another bowl."

Fu Yanshen asked this question very gently, and when he saw him nodding, he obediently brought a bowl of soup to Li Yiyuan.

Song Luoyu looked at the corner of his mouth, but couldn't help but smiled.Who would have thought that the big man who called the wind and rain in front of everyone, but now he is as obedient as a little girl in front of his mother.

And Fu Yan deeply felt her gaze, and understood what she was thinking. At this moment, he raised his head and looked at his smile, so he deliberately rushed to him and asked a word.

"What about you? Do you want me to help you too? You seem to want to drink very much."

Qiao Qiancen was amused by his tone, but he didn't say anything more, and continued to eat. Now they seem to have been together, as gentle and beautiful as a family for many years.

And although he didn't say anything, he liked the atmosphere very much. This feeling seemed to eliminate the other party who would never get tired of him for many years.

"Qiancen, look at how kind he is to you, don't you hurry up and pass on a bowl of soup? Silly girl, you must know how to grasp everyone's kindness to you."

Li Yiyuan smiled and said to her daughter, but it seemed that the words were addressed to him, but in fact they were addressed to the man beside her.

Now that the two of them are together, as a mother, he can't stop them from it. After all, what is emphasized now is the era of free love, so he can't stop them from being together with his thoughts like before. It's just that he only wants his The daughter can be happy and can no longer be hurt.

Fu Yanshen also understood the meaning of this sentence very well. He just smiled and filled a bowl of soup for the girl beside him, put it in front of her, and told her, "Eat slowly, don't choke. own."

"Got it, got it, Rory is talking like an old woman!"

She purposely said it like he was angry with him. After she finished saying this sentence, the corners of her mouth raised up happily, as if being able to say bad things about him would relieve her anger.

In desperation, Fu Yanshen knew that he was such a child with a personality, so he didn't think of being fussy, so he continued to eat, ordering food for the two mother and daughter from time to time, and drinking a bowl of soup.

The meal ended like this, and after eating, Li Yiyuan was going to clean the dishes and clear the table by himself. After all, this is his own home, and it is always bad to let guests do these things, but Fu However, Yan Shen stopped him and insisted on letting him do these things no matter what.

Li Yiyuan had no choice but to let him provide the supply, and Qiao Qiancen wanted to help him, but he was rejected by him as a joke, and commented, "Let's forget it, let you help. It’s getting more complicated, so I’ll do it myself.”

Qiao Qiancen bit her lips in dissatisfaction and wanted to refute. Knowing that her cooking and cleaning skills were not strong, she had no choice but to give up, for fear that she would be laughed at if she really helped more and more.

"Then I'll give mom a massage and go wash the dishes."

While talking, he had gone around behind the sofa and helped his mother start to press the shoulders. My mother was also amused by the two of them playing with flower guns. I didn't comment any more and let my daughter massage herself.

And Fu Yanshen also smiled helplessly and went back to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

Li Yiyuan glanced at the kitchen before lowering his jacket, turning his head slightly and said to his daughter. "This kid is not bad. It wasn't because of those things that my mother would have asked you to marry him a long time ago. It's just that so many things have happened, and I have begun to hesitate. I don't know if I let you two be together. There will be any contradictions, inappropriate things, after all, this is a major event in life, and you can't let you go on the road of no return that your mother used to do."

Qiao Qiancen's smile froze when he heard this, he understood the deeper meaning of his mother's words.

At the beginning when father and mother fell in love, they thought it would be a story with a perfect ending like Cowherd and Weaver Girl. Unexpectedly, they were taken out in the end. It turned out that his father had already had an illegitimate child outside, and also raised a mistress, who was so old that he lost his virginity for many years. about the same as her...

Everything that happened later was even more like a drama. Xiaosan entered the room and took his daughter to occupy their home, and finally snatched away their father. It is ridiculous and ironic that two people end up as servants.

There was a little downcast in his eyes, but he still tried his best to smile and look at his mother, explaining, "If this is the case, don't worry, Mom, I won't do this. If he dares to do this, I will definitely let him be punished." Punishment, I will not let those hateful people take advantage of my weakness like you did back then, if he dares to forgive me, I will definitely make him regret knowing how to write typos!"

When she said this, her eyes were slightly red and she didn't understand why. A woman's life is always so sad. When she finally meets someone she likes and is about to have a good result, she is worried about this. Those who were worried about that ended up turning themselves into yellow-faced women.

And listening to her mother's words, she couldn't help but think of her, one day Fu Yanshen fell in love with another woman, and gave birth to a child and kicked him out of the house, so how would he react on that day?I'm afraid she won't be able to resist taking a knife and killing him.

Thinking of this, he burst out laughing, but under his eyes, he felt a little disappointed. He didn't dare to imagine such a scene.He didn't even dare to take this issue seriously.

Human nature is the most untestable. If one day he fears that those things will become reality, how should she accept it?

"What are you talking about? I'm so excited. I just heard the two of us talking for a long time in the kitchen. Why didn't I talk about it when I came out? Could it be that I was talking about my affairs?"

Fu Yanshen said this in a joke, but he never thought that what he said casually turned out to be the truth...

Qiao Qiancen had a somewhat uncomfortable look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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