Chapter 1137

Fu Yanshen heard the words, after all, he just raised the corners of his lips and smiled indifferently, not caring about it, "This is definitely what I should do. You have taken good care of me, and I can only let others hurt you easily." you."

Li Yiyuan nodded reassuringly, a smile finally appeared on his face, and he looked at the man in front of him with some relief and sighed. "Really, if this incident wasn't because of you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have known what would have happened to me, not to mention that the other party didn't know who it was, why they came here, we didn't know his details, There is absolutely no way to pursue it.”

There was a shadow under Fu Yanshen's eyes, but it's good that he didn't show it on the bright side, but he patted her on the shoulder comfortingly and said, "Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter, that is behind the scenes I will definitely find out the person who caused the trouble, and give you justice, and this kind of thing will not happen again."

Li Yiyuan and Qiao Qiancen both had stability and confidence in their careers, knowing that if he could say such a thing, he would be able to do it. The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

"In any case, we owe you alone. What's the difference in the situation? Even if you are much more noble than me, you may not need our help at all, but since I said this today, I will definitely be able to save you. Killing my mother is equivalent to saving me, and I will definitely do my best to repay you."

Qiao Qiancen said this very firmly, he couldn't hesitate, this was what she had in mind.

And Fu Yanshen heard this sentence called a smile, but it became a little bit bigger, completely different from the appearance when he heard Li Yiyuan thank you just now.

"Really? Then I can look forward to it, don't let me down."

Qiao Qiancen looked at the man in front of him and guessed the deep meaning of his words, couldn't help but blushed a little and stared at him, "It's not serious, what I said is serious, if you startle I won't listen to you for some ghost ideas."

Li Yiyuan was also amused by the two young men's pistols and couldn't help but patted his daughter on the back and said, "How can a child who is not good at Yan Shen say things that make it difficult for you? Isn't the silly girl there?" Thank you very much, you turned your face so quickly, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

When Qiao Qiancen heard that even his mother was helping him like this, he couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart, and turned his head with a cold snort, his cheeks puffed up, looking cute and helpless.

"What a fool."

Fu Yanshen also sighed helplessly, and she laughed.

At the same time, the atmosphere on the side of the trail is completely different from that of their home.

A slender figure stood under the light, staring coldly and fiercely. The man in front of him seemed to want to kill him.

"I didn't think that you couldn't do such a simple thing well, and you still boasted in front of me. How can you say that this matter exposed you and waited for me to be held accountable in the future?!"

When Zhang Miaomiao said this angrily, she didn't expect that his fighting power would be so weak, and that he would go around such a long circle when he was about to succeed, and finally made no progress at all!

Not only did she fail to complete the task, but she also left someone with a clue. What should she do now?
The expression on the boy's face also looked very embarrassed, as if he didn't think that things would develop to this point, but now things have finally become a reality, no matter how much he refute, he can't change the fact.

He could only lower his head in frustration, not knowing how to explain it, but he tried to comfort her and said, "Goddess Miaomiao, don't worry, this matter is done by me alone, and I will never involve you if I do it alone." Anyway, you can rest assured, anyway, I will never go back on what I promised you, and you don't need to be afraid or worry, I will bear the responsibility for this matter alone!"

This is what Zhang Miaomiao wanted, but at this moment he still didn't show it on his face, he just put on a sad appearance of being wronged and stared at him.

"That's what you're saying now. If you want to go to court or something, you'll still call me out?! People's hearts are the most unreliable in this world. What you're saying now are all sweet words, right? If something happens, my public figure will be announced on the Internet, and I will be finished, and I will never have a chance to stand up in my life!"

Hearing her flicker like this, the boy's mind was confused, and he couldn't help but hurriedly said: "You must not worry about this matter. Since I promised you, I will definitely not go back on my word if I take responsibility alone. A gentleman's words are hard to follow." Chase, no matter how much you don't believe it, I will use my actions to prove it to you in the end, I will never let a woman take responsibility for this matter!"

Hearing these words, Zhang Miaomiao felt completely relaxed, but at this moment she still looked a little sad, turned around, snorted aggrievedly and said: "Since you said so, I will trust you for the time being. Anyway, I have listened to your words anyway, and I believe you will do it, and it is your own responsibility if you can’t do it now, so you shouldn’t blame me in the first place.”

But the boy didn't see the corner of Zhang Miaomiao's mouth curled up when he turned around, which was completely opposite to the grievance in his tone.
Almost when he returned to the base, the man immediately gave an order to investigate today's incident, er, the result came out very quickly, and the assistant immediately brought him a report.

"This is the video taken from the surveillance near Jon Road this evening. It shows that there are only 6 men passing by during the time period from 00:8 to 00:5 this evening, and one of them fits what you described. The appearance is very likely to be the perpetrator tonight!"

Fu Yanshen looked at the information report in his hand, with a sneer and raised the corners of his lips, as if he didn't care about the final truth of this matter.

"I don't care about the final result. I just want to know why he did this and who is behind the demolition. Then find them all and bring them to me. I will interrogate them myself."

The assistant was frightened by the gloomy mood of the man in front of him, quickly turned pale, nodded and agreed to leave.

Anyone who is familiar with him knows that when he usually shows this kind of smile and this appearance, the person in the words is going to suffer a lot!
And how it will be handled, no one can know, only know that in the end it may be more or less a disaster!
(End of this chapter)

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