Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1147 That was the only strength supporting her

Chapter 1147 That was the only strength supporting her

"I know you don't want me to take this matter too seriously, or think them too badly, but now the facts are in front of you, whether you believe it or not, this is the most true answer, the truth is not I will lie to you, I will lie to you, but now the facts are in front of you."

After the man took a deep breath and explained this sentence to him, he turned around and said to his entourage, "What should we do next? You know, I don't want to say it a second time, and you know these people are Whoever sent it, will solve it for me."

After Fu Yanshen said this in a cold voice, she came over and took her hand, and walked directly into the car, and the two of them did not stay here anymore.

After Qiao Qiancen heard his words, she finally fell silent and would not say anything more. She knew that he did this for her own good. I'm short of brains.

After getting in the car, the man started the car without saying a word. At this moment, she turned her head to look at his face, and felt that under his calm expression, there seemed to be many emotions hidden and not shown.

Confused in her heart, she hesitated for a while, and finally she opened her mouth to explain to him: "Maybe it's because I have experienced too many sad things since I was a child. When I grow up, when I encounter things, I always don't want to think about them. After all, when I was young, I kept telling myself that as long as I survived this period of pain, I will grow up in the future, and I will meet beautiful people and things, so now I..."

While driving the car, Fu Yanshen couldn't help but pause when he heard his words. He turned his head and saw that he seemed to be hesitating whether his attitude just now was a bit bad.

Just wanted to explain.Qiao Qiancen seemed to know what he was going to say, and said directly, "But it doesn't matter, I know that your starting point is for my own good, so I won't blame you for being so ignorant. I just can't figure out when the things I care about will become a reality, and I don't want everything to be reversed."

No one can accept the fact that his own world view is collapsing a little bit, especially the beautiful world he thought was actually a world full of crime and deceit. This is a big blow to her.

Fu Yanshen remained silent and stopped talking. He looked forward, but felt that something in his heart was tearing him apart and changed involuntarily. Even if he wanted to resist, he couldn't help it.

The car finally stopped by the lake.

Originally, he was planning to go back, but because Qiao Qiancen said he was not feeling well on the way, he could only stop the car and let her get out of the car to let her relax.

It's just that she didn't expect that after he got out of the car and took a few steps, she went directly to the side to see this scene, and frowned involuntarily, as if she had figured out what he was trying to do, so she walked over and stopped her She wanted to do something, so she went over and stopped her movement.

"I let you go because you said you were unwell, but if you come down to drink, I won't agree. There are quite a lot of people here now. If you drink here as a public figure, it's very It will soon be captured by someone, and it will not be good for your reputation if it is spread out."

However, Qiao Qiancen, who has always been obedient, is like a rebellious child at this moment. No matter what he says, he doesn't want to listen to it. In his heart, it seems that he can't listen to any persuasion anymore. He only has one heart and insists on doing what he wants. Things to do.

"I don't want to be sober anymore, just let me get drunk for a while. After so many things today, I always feel a little tired in my heart and need to rest."

The pressure to become an artist is not so great. If I knew it would be like this at the beginning, it is unknown whether I will enter the showbiz.

And what weighed on him was not only the black fans from the outside world, but also the boss of the company, as well as the clients who kept targeting her.

They all seemed to never give up until they drove her to a desperate situation. They didn't think about this matter at all. Whether it would be too much of a blow to her or not, they didn't care about her feelings at all.

Fu Yanshen looked at him with some distress in her heart. She never thought that she was still so sad in her heart. She always showed her best side so that everyone would not worry or think about what he had experienced. For those things, I just thought that she was as happy and happy as she seemed on the surface.

"You can obviously tell me some things. When the two of us are together, then we are one body. There is something we should face together."

Fu Yanshen said these words uncontrollably. Looking at the sad look of the girl in front of her, she felt as if something was tightly grasping her heart. She wanted to take a deep breath to get rid of this situation. Feeling, but she found it difficult for him to do such a simple thing.

"I have no choice but to tell you everything as you said. The circle you know is not as glamorous as it was just now on the surface. It has been carefully planned and filled with countless traps and designs. I am not careful. I will fall, and I also have my own dignity and my own sense of glory, I don’t want you to worry about me, I don’t want you to see me exhausted and hurt all day long..."

Qiao Qiancen seemed to be desperate, drank a can of wine at both ends, and started talking nonsense.

But Fu Yanshen listened, but his brows were furrowed more and more tightly, knowing that these were his sincere words, the truth and stimulation directly hurt his heart, without any hesitation.

"Since this is the case, then quit the showbiz. It's not that you can't support yourself, nor can I. Why do you suffer here?"

However, after this sentence was finished, the woman shook her head and refused without hesitation.

"If I don't want me, I don't want to quit the showbiz. Then I worked so hard for two lifetimes to finally get to where I am today. No one knows what I have experienced. Only I know best in my heart. I have a lot of money along the way. It's not easy, so asking me to give up is even worse than killing me."

After saying this, she raised her head and continued to drink.

Fang Jin was already a little drunk at the moment, his cheeks were still slightly flushed, but for some reason, he really didn't want to stop, as if the wine was the only strength supporting her.

(End of this chapter)

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